Letters to the Editor

Apologies to Representative Peltola

Dear Congresswoman Peltola, You did not lose the election, we Alaska Native voters lost the election for you, simply we did not show up and vote! Alaska Native voter just sizzled and withered away! We […]

Letters to the Editor

Thankful for you all

Working for Alaska as a member of our federal delegation has been the honor of my life. Thank you all for that opportunity. I’ll tell you, working for all of Alaska isn’t easy. Some say […]

Letters to the Editor

Voter Freedom is Here to Stay

No on 2 celebrates defense of open primary system. For the second time in four years, Alaskans have decided in favor of elections that empower every voter. That make candidates compete for every vote. That […]

Letters to the Editor

Support Rep. McCormick for House District 38

In the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, we face unprecedented challenges regarding our lands, waters, and ways of life. We face a stark choice: to allow the development of Donlin, which would become one of the world’s largest […]

Letters to the Editor

Please vote

We are writing this letter to request that everyone reading takes the time to vote in the 2024 election. The beauty of casting your ballot is only possible when everyone votes for the candidate of […]

Letters to the Editor

To LKSD Parents and Guardians

Dear Parent or Guardian: We are pleased to inform you that the Lower Kuskokwim School District will be participating in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs under the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) for […]

Letters to the Editor

Y-K RTG Yukon Kuskokwim Regional Tribal Government

To YK delta residents, It has been nearly 2 years since the so-called YK RTG established. Links are provided here https://ykrtg.org/, https://ykrtg.org/news, https://www.facebook.com/YKRTG/. What has transpired since the great election? Our regional Corporation Calista was […]

Letters to the Editor

Eight legislators upheld the public trust

Core elements of good government, according to the United Nations, include transparency, integrity, accountability, and the absence of corruption and wrongdoing. In 2024, eight Alaskan lawmakers followed these principles and deserve special commendation for their […]

Letters to the Editor

Supreme Court Presidential Immunity Ruling

Today (July 1st, 2024), the Supreme Court upheld centuries of presidential and legal tradition by agreeing with President Trump and cementing presidential immunity in American law. This decision by the Supreme Court preserves the power […]

Letters to the Editor

Please pick up your trash

The Napaskiak Corporation would like to remind you to, PLEASE pick up trash after yourself when camping or using the land for any subsistence or any use of the land around the Eek Lakes. Many […]

Letters to the Editor

Deadly drugs

Cocaine is one of the most expensive drugs on the streets. The average price of a gram of cocaine is around $120. Recently the availability of cocaine has been growing steadily. Finding pure cocaine is […]

Letters to the Editor

Celebrate Alaska Invasive Species Awareness Week

The Alaska Invasive Species Partnership (AKISP) invites all Alaskans and visitors to join us in celebrating Alaska Invasive Species Awareness Week, June 9 -15, 2024. This week is designated by an Executive Proclamation issued by […]

Letters to the Editor

Shining a light on unsolved cases on MMIWG Day

The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children is highlighting Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women & Girls (MMIWG) Day, which is observed on May 5 each year, and are raising awareness for the girls who […]

Letters to the Editor

Honesty, transparency, wisdom

As we gather to make our decisions for the Calista Board of Directors, the profound legacies that guide our vision for leadership are at the forefront of my thoughts. My sister, Dora, is a living […]

Letters to the Editor

On Day 27 and still waiting to get paid

Every village in the YK Delta depends on the runway for groceries, important people, mail orders, mail, snow machine parts, hospital trips, health products for the patients, student travel, vacations, and so on. The very […]

Letters to the Editor

Alaska House Majority Member Rep. Thomas Baker Responds to Biden Administration’s New Rule Regarding NPR-A

In response to the new rule issued by the Biden Administration that prohibits petroleum development in 13 million acres of the National Petroleum Reserve – Alaska (NPR-A) and 2.8 million acres of the Beaufort Sea. […]

Letters to the Editor

HB200 undermines the separation of powers and grants to the Executive Department of Revenue total and unbridled discretion to approve all forms of gambling

Governor Dunleavy has introduced HB200 to bring electronic pulltabs to Alaska and more importantly to move the power to expand gambling from the Legislature to the Executive. The Governor’s unbridled enthusiasm to bring gambling to […]

Letters to the Editor

AFN launches President search

Julie Kitka will be transitioning out of the President role at the Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN) later this year. The AFN board is thankful for her 33 years as President and for announcing her […]

Letters to the Editor

Governor vetoes Senate Bill 140

Governor Dunleavy has announced that he has vetoed Senate Bill 140, the broadly supported bipartisan education bill which passed overwhelmingly on a vote of 56-3. The governor’s decision to veto this comprehensive and bipartisan education […]

Letters to the Editor

Stand for truth right now

Rep Kevin McCabe (R) Big Lake has introduced HB107, a bill that establishes legal definitions for “person” and “life” for criminal law definitions and it’s getting it’s first hearing at 1:30PM TODAY (Feb. 26th, 2024) […]

Letters to the Editor

Ranked choice voting

Dear Fellow Alaskan, In the past few days, we observed both Elizabeth Peratrovich Day and Presidents’ Day – holidays that allow us to honor and reflect on the contributions of leaders who shaped our country. […]

Letters to the Editor

Stop wanton waste of bycatch

Dear Leaders of Bristol Bay and Calista: Bristol Bay Forever salmon will not be able to survive if the protection of our ecosystems in Bristol Bay AND the ecosystems of the Gulf of Alaska and […]

Letters to the Editor

January Benefits announcement

My name is Priya Helweg, and I am the US Department of Health and Human Services Deputy Regional Director for Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and 272 Federally Recognized Tribes in Region 10. The new year […]

Letters to the Editor

Martin Luther King Day

In remembering Martin Luther King Jr.’s words — Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?’ — we are reminded of the profound impact of giving back to our community. […]

Letters to the Editor

Discarding bycatch destroys ecosystems

Ecosystems in the Gulf of Alaska and the Bering Sea are being destroyed by Wanton Waste discarding of bycatch in the offshore fishing industry. IF there is not a Writ of Mandamus and Injunctive relived […]

Letters to the Editor

Hello out there!

You know, you guys can laugh at me all you want. I am trying to think of OUR future. I have tried to tell you all that WE HAVE precious land and Future Generations to […]

Letters to the Editor

Have you ever experienced racism?

The following is one student’s reflection of a writing prompt while reading the novel ALL AMERICAN BOYS, a novel written by Jason Reynolds and Brendan Kiely in Mary George’s English 2 class in Akiachak. I’ve […]

Letters to the Editor

Backhaul Project thanks

Quyana to the Yukon-Kuskokwim communities for the most successful Backhaul Project yet. The impact of a multi-year partnership has reduced the potential for hazardous materials to cause water contamination in our Y-K communities. To all […]

Letters to the Editor

Energizing Alaska

Dear Honorable Mary Sattler Peltola: It is great that we have one of our own representing us in Washington DC. We finally have a seat at the table. I would like to comment on your […]

Letters to the Editor

Subsistence concerns for salmon and moose

I have two concerns regarding my subsistence fishing and moose hunting. First of all, the fish collapse in the Yukon River and partially in the Kuskokwim River where restricted fishing is being forced by your […]

Letters to the Editor

The nature of colony

Immediately following the American Civil War, Russia sold Alaska to the United States dirt cheap. Why? The Russians were fighting the British in Crimea. The Russians had no army in Alaska. Canada was a colony […]

Letters to the Editor

Passport delays, what’s the deal?

Airlines are seeing international travel peak this summer with families feeling comfortable traveling internationally with the COVID pandemic slowing down. Many countries have reopened in 2023, including the tourist hot spot of Japan. With these […]

Letters to the Editor

Rep. Peltola et al:

You have a mountain to climb as you watch the bottom trawls take out our kings and chums with the Bering Sea bottom trawl fishery for pollock. I know this is a touchy issue since […]

Letters to the Editor

2023 AFN Photo Contest

The theme of this year’s AFN Annual Convention is Our Ways of Life. Please help us kickstart the planning effort by sharing photographs that capture your region’s landscapes, hunting, fishing, regalia, families, elders, youth, and […]

Letters to the Editor

Support for ranked choice voting

There is a group of extreme conservatives that are sponsoring a petition to get rid of the State of Alaska ranked choice voting system and non-partisan primary. The State of Alaska regulations say that petition […]

Letters to the Editor

Good tips for bad reviews

Customer service is an integral part of a company’s success; however, sometimes the customer is not happy with the results. When this happens, consumers seek ways to remedy the situation. From a social media post […]

Letters to the Editor

Possible effects of mine waste

One of the biggest negative impacts of the Donlin Creek gold mine would be Mekoryuk out on Nunivak Island since they depend on the ocean for a big majority of their subsistence resource. All the […]

Letters to the Editor

Murkowski Applauds Alaska’s Kuskokwim Consortium Library on Winning Nation’s Highest Honor

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) made the following statement after the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) awarded Kuskokwim Consortium Library in Bethel, Alaska, the 2023 National Medal for Museum and Library Service – […]

Letters to the Editor

Horse Sense

The proposal presented by our governor and some in the legislature leveling a statewide sales tax on all Alaskans defies logic. Nor does it even make horse sense. The governor appears to support a $2700 […]

Letters to the Editor

Corrupt process makes for bad government

We appreciate the arduous task legislators are charged with to assemble a balanced budget in order for Alaskans to live, play, work, and study in this great state. However, the Alaska Public Interest Research Group […]

Letters to the Editor

Thank you

First off I want to thank Tad Lindley for all the verses he be writing down, once again thank you. I want to share Romans 8: 1, 2. Can you please read Mark 11:25, 25 […]

Letters to the Editor

Love for you all

Juliana, Alice, Rose Crawford, sharing such extended words that are true to our Yupik people across Alaska. It will not be an easy journey, but one that we must work together and continue to instill […]

Letters to the Editor

We live in a real world—or do we? 

Events taking place today in the energy world should be of critical concern to our country, our Congress and our President. The recent announcement that the Saudis are to cut their oil production by 1M […]

Letters to the Editor

A helping hand in a cold Alaska winter

While those of us in Western Alaska regularly face unique challenges because of where we live, it was a very trying holiday and winter season for the people of our little, remote village. Quite literally […]

Letters to the Editor

Ukraine war has an impact in Alaska

Spring planning is well underway for the 2023 open water season. Unfortunately, there is no relief in sight from last year’s higher fuel prices. The oil market has seen some decrease in crude oil prices, […]

Letters to the Editor

Calista Corporation’s Comments to Board of Fisheries

Calista Corporation is deeply concerned about our state and federal regulators allowing commercial fisheries to intercept too many salmon returning to our region’s rivers and wasting our most precious food as bycatch. Until recently, salmon […]

Letters to the Editor

Have you filed for your 2023 PFD?

Alaskans, we are halfway through the 2023 filing season! If you haven’t done so already, please file for your dividend online today! You can file for your Permanent Fund Dividend at https://pfd.alaska.gov. After you have […]

Letters to the Editor

What good would a Borough do?

Before the Alaska Municipal League and clueless legislators get to wound up on forcing unincorporated areas into Boroughs, I’m incorporating a reply I made on another post. Boroughs only work where you have private property […]

Letters to the Editor

Alaska’s Income Tax Premium

Jared Walczak, Tax Foundation Alaska’s decision to forgo an individual income tax serves an important role in offsetting above-average federal income tax burdens in Alaska. At first blush, this sounds confusing. Alaskans face the same […]