I wonder how it is that our body knows when someone is going to pass? How is it our spirit knows when there is a calamity approaching? It was the week of in-service, I could not pin it down to one thing. I thought it was the fact that moose hunting was a day away and remembering the time we went up to Kuicaraq with two boats. Noel, Luke and the girls were in one boat while My husband, myself and my son in another. What a long ride that was up the river until we reached our destination. The destination to camp anyway, it wasn’t until the next day we went up 2-3 more hours to scout for moose.
I thought what I was feeling was due to the fact of Noel’s passing and the coming of the moose hunt. I think that was only half of the emotion. Somehow our body knows, or rather is it our spirit that knows when someone is going to go? I recognized the feeling. I prayed; Lord please do not take anyone without them being ready. This passage comes to mind when I think about a time for everything:
There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace. (Ecclesiastes 3)
There is a time for everything and we ourselves are not exempt from any of these. Let us be mindful to love each other as today has been gifted to us.
Ina Pavila
Bethel, AK
A Statement from Representative Neal Foster
The coastal communities in Western Alaska have been devastated by record breaking flooding and winds over the past few days. Quyana to the public offices, tribal leaders, volunteers, emergency response teams, and agencies who worked to prepare communities and are now assisting to keep everyone safe. Your dedication and courage to help one another during this historical typhoon is testament to the strength of our villages.
I have witnessed firsthand the destruction in Nome and have been following the reports from all the villages in our district. The severe damage and loss of homes, subsistence boats, roads, airports, and other vital infrastructure is beyond compare. My prayers go out to all those whose communities and lives were ravaged by this storm.
I am grateful the Governor quickly declared a state disaster which will allow villages to exercise emergency powers to swiftly address immediate needs such as medical issues, drinking water, electricity, shelter, and other priorities to preserve life and public health.
However, the successive challenges many of our communities have been facing already from the loss of subsistence fishing, high fuel costs, food insecurity and health issues over the past several years, are now compounded by the devastation from Typhoon Merbok.
I strongly urge the Governor to quickly assess the damage across the coastal regions and, if the destruction is beyond the capability of the state, he must request immediate assistance from the President so that communities and families can receive federal disaster aid and support from FEMA to rebuild their lives.
When safe to do so, I encourage community officials to share information, pictures, and city disaster declaration resolutions with the State Emergency Operations Center at 907-428-7100 or email to: [email protected] or [email protected].
The Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management and other state and federal agencies are available to assist local response teams with health issues, power outages, transportation, food, water and shelter, and other infrastructure damage. Constituents can also reach out to my office for assistance: 1-800-478-3789, [email protected].
Our villages are built of strong, resilient people and we will continue to work together and help each other to rebuild our communities. I will work with the local, state, and federal leaders to ensure communities receive the support they deserve.
Rep. Neal Foster
Juneau, AK
Proposed Rule Changes to Title IX: “Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance” ID: ED-2021-OCR-0166-0001
September 12, 2022
This is a letter to U.S. Secretary of Education Dr. Miguel Cardona and Whom It May Concern:
Because of the physical and psychological risks to girls and women in sports and in bathrooms and locker rooms, I and the undersigned lawmakers and citizens oppose the U.S. Department of Education’s proposed rule that would drastically change the definition of sex.
Rather than a definition based on the biological differences between females and males, the proposed rule would expand it to include “sex stereotypes, sex-related characteristics (including intersex traits), pregnancy or related conditions, sexual orientation, and gender identity.”
We support the 50-year interpretation of Title IX that protects biological females from unsafe and unfair conditions. We adamantly oppose the proposed re-interpretation of Title IX that would allow biological males in girls’ and women’s bathrooms and locker rooms as well as on female sports teams.
The proposed rule, if adopted, will lead us down a pathway of destruction, gradual but devastating, of girls’ and women’s sports. All that we have worked hard to build and promote since Title IX’s passage in 1972 will be decimated, and our girls will be the losers.
Data is clear: even with multiple years of hormonal suppression therapy, biological males maintain physical advantages over girls and women including bulkier muscle mass, higher bone density, larger heart size, and greater lung capacity. The proposed rule will rob girls and women of equal access to spots on teams, advancement in sports, and scholarship opportunities while jeopardizing their safety as athletes, their educational opportunities, and their career potentials.
Allowing biological males in female bathrooms and facilities has already proven to be dangerous. The nonsensical policy has resulted in sexual assault, not to mention severe psychological harm to women and girls expected to shower and dress in front of biological males.
Although we care about and value every single student, we are not willing to sacrifice our daughters, granddaughters, sisters, nieces, aunts, and female friends on the altar of woke-ism.
In closing, we request you reject the proposed rule changes that will negatively impact millions of students across our nation. If adopted, this rule will also specifically undermine our current efforts as lawmakers to address this issue here in Alaska to ensure safety and fairness for our Alaskan students.
To protect girls and women, we fervently and respectfully ask that you not change the definition of sex under Title IX to include gender identity and sexual orientation. Finally, we agree with and submit the points made in the attached document by Sarah Perry, Senior Legal Fellow, Meese Center as our own and ask that you respond to each one, along with the points contained in this letter.
Standing with our girls and women,
Senator Shelley Hughes – Senate Majority Leader, Representative Cathy Tilton – House Minority Leader, Concerned Officials, Community Members
Juneau, AK