AVCP Leaders call for action at NPFM Council Meeting

The Association of Village Council Presidents (AVCP) leadership will be testifying at the North Pacific Fishery Management Council (NPFMC) meeting to bring attention to the dire salmon crisis which is impacting thousands of Native Alaskans.

The people of Alaska, especially the Tribes are being severely impacted by overfishing, bycatch, and salmon intercept in Area M by commercial fishermen. This crisis has reached a dire level impacting the physical well-being, cultural well-being, and rights of Natives.

For the past four summers, the people of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, and across Western Alaska, have been deprived of the food that we have relied on and that has nourished our families and communities for generations. Our elders who have relied on and eaten salmon their entire lives have been abruptly deprived of their traditional food.

State and Federal officials refuse to bring Native expertise and voices to the forefront of fishery management. AVCP leadership, including the organization’s subsistence committee will address the council to represent the tens of thousands of Alaskans being impacted by the salmon crash.

AVCP leadership welcomes the opportunity to speak with Alaska media in advance of the event or in person while our team is in Anchorage. (April 5 & 6)

What: North Pacific Fishery Management Council Spring Meeting

When: April 5 & 6 (AVCP leaders available throughout/testifying)

Where: Hilton Hotel, 500 West Third Avenue, Anchorage

Who: AVCP leaders will be available to the media throughout

•Vivian Korthuis, Chief Executive Office

•Thaddeus Tikiun Jr. Executive Board Chairperson

• Jennifer Hooper, Director AVCP Natural Resources

• AVCP Subsistence Committee Members