
King Herod Kills the Kids

by Tad Lindley Jesus was born in Bethlehem. The place of his birth was actually prophesied about in the book of Micah, As for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, seemingly insignificant among the clans of Judah – […]


Jesus’ Hanukkah Sermon

by Tad Lindley It’s quite possible that you, not having grown up around Jewish people, have never heard of Hanukkah. Hanukkah is a Jewish festival that lasts for eight nights and eight days. It is […]


How Much is Your Pastor Worth?

by Tad Lindley There is a fair amount of shadow hate speech on social media targeting Christianity. One of those posts that I will try to reproduce here for you goes something like this: The […]


Ready for the Season?

by Tad Lindley While discussing favorite seasons, one said, “Winter, because snow is easier to deal with.” Another said, “That’s because you’re young, when you’re older, you’ll see it differently.” I said, “My favorite season […]


It’s Not Israel I’m Worried About

by Tad Lindley I was saying to somebody, “I’m deeply concerned about the way the current administration is turning their back on Israel.” To which they said, “Israel will come out victorious in the end.” “It’s […]


Let’s Make a Deal

by Tad Lindley The younger of the twin brothers was named Jacob, he was a mama’s boy. He liked to hang out in camp all the time. The older twin, Esau, was a nukalpiaq, spending […]


Everyone Wants Your PFD

by Tad Lindley T he 2024 Alaska PFD is $1,702. Some folks might get angry at me for writing about giving some of their dividend to God. Understand that I stand to gain nothing. Nobody […]


The First Mark of the Beast

by Tad Lindley This column is based on a message preached by Rev. Jimmy Toney at the 2017 family campmeeting in Sterling, AK. The second mark: 666 One of the best known passages of scripture, […]


Who Would You Die For?

by Tad Lindley I n Helmand Province, Afghanistan on February 9, 2008. Matthew Croucher and three other British Marines were on a reconnaissance mission. While going through a building, they triggered a trip wire grenade. […]


When the Disciples Skunked

by Tad Lindley They had fished all night, and they had caught nothing. They skunked. They were probably thinking, “Man, I could have stayed home and slept, but now the sun is rising and I […]


Maybe We Don’t Need Another Grant

by Tad Lindley Sometimes we get into the mindset that if we only had enough money, all of our problems would be fixed. That’s why you may have been in meetings where somebody said, “If […]


He Couldn’t Quit Cutting Himself

by Tad Lindley You’ve probably seen them too. People with straight cut marks in locations on their body where people are most likely to see them, like their arms. Since that sort of self-mutilation has […]


When the Bullets Start Flying

by Tad Lindley I knew what I needed to do, tap-tap, two shots in the chest and one in the head. The front sight dropped down between the rear sights. Forward on the right hand back […]


How is the Bible Organized?

by Tad Lindley The Bible is a collection of writings that spanned 3,200 years. It claims to be the words of God given to a series of at least 36 men (including the heathen king, […]


Three Commandments That Promise Longer Life,Or Why We Shoot the Gray Swans, And Why Drug Dealers Live Shorter

by Tad Lindley The Hebrew Bible, commonly referred to as the Old Testament, has 613 commandments. Perhaps you are more familiar with the Ten Commandments found in Exodus 20, but Jewish scholars have studied the […]


There’s Nobody Like Jesus

by Tad Lindley This is excerpted and edited from a message preached without notes by the late Johnny James at the Pentecostals of Alexandria. It can be heard in its entirety on Youtube by searching […]


Man’s Best Friend

by Tad Lindley I have a hard time sleeping in a tent in bear country. I am plagued by visions of the bear’s gaping maw pressing against the thin nylon of the tent until he finds […]


Where Will You Be?

by Tad Lindley Recently I was talking with my good friend, and he said, “I always read your article every week.” Forgive me for having ego problems, but in my mind I reached around and […]


Why a Manger?

by Tad Lindley When the angel came to the shepherds he gave them this message: “Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto […]


FB Christianity Attack File #27: If the Bible Says That Money Is the Root of All Evil, Then Why Do Churches Always Ask for Money

by Tad Lindley Perhaps you saw this meme posted on Facebook. I have seen it before, but it popped up recently as a repost and I thought that I would address it. I want to […]



by Tad Lindley We tend to think of Thanksgiving as a modern American holiday. It’s not. If you attended public schools, you may have been taught that the first Thanksgiving involved the English speaking Pilgrims […]


Big Mac, Large Fries, and a Diet Coke

by Tad Lindley You’ve probably been there and seen it happen. You’re not a doctor, but, nevertheless, when you sized them up, you felt that MacDonald’s was not the best dietary choice for them. Perhaps […]


Taste the Mayo

by Tad Lindley Growing up Mom was paranoid about mayonnaise going bad. My memory could be exaggerating it, but it seemed like if the jar of Hellman’s Real mayonnaise (we never used Miracle Whip) ever […]


When Your In-Law is Psycho

by Tad Lindley M y wife’s family is one of the best things that ever happened to me in my life. My father-in-law taught me so much through the years, and I dearly miss him. […]


World War III is in the Bible

by Tad Lindley Last week war erupted in Israel, with over 700 dead, including some American citizens, and thousands injured. Could this be the start of WW III? In World War I the total number […]


Dope Dealer Turns Hope Dealer

by Tad Lindley If we were to talk to every kindergartner in every local school and ask them what they want to be when they grow up, we would get responses like, pilot, agent, health […]


You Pick Your Blessing

by Tad Lindley Remember how some of those sweepstakes by mail used to let you choose your Early Bird prize if you won? It would be something like a choice between a new sports car […]


Living Outside the Ark of Safety

by Tad Lindley Noah was one of the least successful preachers in history. He preached for at least a hundred years and reached only seven souls. Those seven souls were his wife, his three sons, […]


Instant Christian, Just Add Jesus

by Tad Lindley A question was once posed to me, “What about Mike and Mary?” Those aren’t the real names. I couldn’t remember the real names, so I used Mike and Mary instead. The thrust of […]


The Powerful Message of Pentecost

by Tad Lindley This past Sunday marked the Jewish celebration of Shavuot, or the Feast of Weeks. The Greek name for the Feast of Weeks is Pentecost, which means “fiftieth”. You see, the Pentecost occurs […]


Missing Holiday Discovered in Bible!

by Tad Lindley A 6 hour church service! Imagine a church service that started at 6:00 AM and lasted until noon. The service started with prayer and worship, and then for the next five hours, […]


100% Preventable

by Tad Lindley I was participating in a training session required for all teachers in Alaska. The training was based on a medical condition, and near the end of the training, they dropped this bomb: […]


Two Beasts in the Bible

by Tad Lindley You have heard of the mark of the beast, and perhaps you have heard the Antichrist referred to as The Beast, but did you know that there are actually two beasts in […]


Ellam Yua Has a Name

by Tad Lindley Quick Yup’ik Lesson Skip this section if you can already speak Yup’ik, otherwise, stay with me. Ellam is a one-syllable word that rhymes with “thumb”. To pronounce ellam you must realize that […]


For Husbands Only

by Tad Lindley Now that it’s just us men, let me tell you the reason I titled this For Husband Only. I know that if your wife reads this, she is liable to say, “Brother […]


Mystery #15

by Tad Lindley If you are an avid Bible reader you probably already know that the word mystery appears in the Bible 27 times. You probably also know that the record holder is the Book […]


Adam 2.0

by Tad Lindley There are several pivotal events in human history. The first is of course the creation of man, when God breathed the breath of life into Adam and Adam became a living soul […]



by Tad Lindley Conversations like this have been happening for the last 2,000 years now: “Dude, I just scored a few grams, come over and we’ll smoke some bowls and play PubG!” “Nope on the […]


Where Angels Like to Camp

by Tad Lindley My favorite spot of all the places I’ve ever camped is the North Spit at Goodnews Bay. When we used to commercial fish there, we camped where the Tunt guys camp. They […]


Mystery #15

by Tad Lindley If you are an avid Bible reader you probably already know that the word mystery appears in the Bible 27 times. You probably also know that the record holder is the Book […]


Qasgiq File #293: The Cup

by Tad Lindley I was fairly new in the land of the Yup’ik people, and I didn’t want to be a bad guest, but my body was covered with sweat and I was thirsty. “You […]


We Three Kings of Orient Aren’t

by Tad Lindley Warning: Do not read this article unless you have someone nearby who can give you immediate emotional support. This may be worse than the terrible sense of deception you experienced when you […]


Pray, or Be Prey

by Tad Lindley My grandmother used to have a play on words that went like this: “Seven days without prayer makes one weak.” As someone who prays every day, I feel like maybe it should […]