Alaska Wildlife Troopers Bethel received a report of an unsalvaged moose in GMU 18, near Saint Mary’s. Further investigation revealed Monte Downing, age 71 of California, shot a 64” bull moose on September 17, 2023, and failed to salvage all edible meat, including parts of one backstrap, one hind quarter, one front quarter, the neck, the brisket, and the ribs. It was also revealed Downing transported the antlers prior to the meat, and he cut the meat off the bone of one hind quarter. Downing was issued citations for Failure to Salvage All Edible Meat, Removing the Antlers from the Kill Site Before All Edible Meat, and Removing the Meat from the Bone of a Hind Quarter prior to October 1st. The antlers were seized as evidence of the crime. The meat was donated in Bethel. Arraignment was on November 2, 2023, in the Bethel Court.
On March 26, 2024, Downing pled guilty to the charges of Failure to Salvage All Edible Meat, Removing the Antlers from the Kill Site Before All Edible Meat, and Removing the Meat from the Bone of a Hind Quarter prior to October 1st. He was fined $1,500, $1,000 restitution, and a $500 donation to the Wildlife Safeguard. The antlers were forfeited to the state.