by Peter Twitchell
Well, this year‘s permanent fund application took up most of my time for the last two days. I would like to thank Anchorage news KTUU for reminding us of the deadline to get our applications for the permanent fund dividend completed before Sunday this year, 31st March, 2024.
Again, thank you very much Channel 2 News for the reminder. Money has never been a priority in my life. I lost my dad when I was 15 on August 21, 1965. Suddenly money wasn’t there – Bristol Bay money, fishing money, or money from furs – otter, mink , muskrat, fox, lynx, fox, and occasionally wolves.
Back in the early 80s I was invited to apply for a correctional officer jail guard job at Yukon Kuskokwim Correctional Center. I was told at the end of 20 years the state would have a big pot of money for me and a healthy monthly check when I retired. I said no, I’ll work as long as I can for the radio station in Bethel, for Hugh and Faye Short’s Kusko Cab, and the yellow cab which began in the mid 70s.
I appreciated and thanked these people for the opportunities to make a living.
In the winter time, I’m often busy gathering clothing for the homeless mission in Anchorage for the homeless. I thank the good Lord that he’s giving me life and a long life to help my fellow man.
I come from a long line of Southwestern Alaska Eskimos, namely the Yupiaq people. They taught me to love people, and never put myself first never!!
Technology like the modern phone that I can stick in my pocket and travel 4000 miles on Facebook and TikTok and waste my time. I’ve worked all my life and when the iPhone technology became available, I often wondered how people got anything done. I’d walk into any workplace anywhere where people are gathered and see everyone glued to their phone. I told myself this new technology is for my kids and grandkids.
Aside from health issues and appointments to take care of and health issues in my old age and there are many, I have been thankful for all the medical people who’ve kept me alive besides the almighty creator, God. He has been a part of my life since I was a boy and infant, teenager through young adulthood, and now my later years. I haven’t lived 73 years on my own account but on the account of the good Lord God, Almighty, savior and redeemer.
Money is the least of my worries, but it sure comes in handy when my truck breaks down or I need to buy gas to drive to my medical appointments to see specialists.
Just for the record, I’d like to thank the folks like Martha Scott, my friends like Rhonda McBride, who have been so helpful and helping me with the modern technology that will always be out of reach for me.
Thank you to my family, friends, legislators in Juneau and Washington DC who helped our people any way that they can, your help goes a long way. So thank you to my friends, my four children, my nine grandkids, and two great grandchildren, who have given me nothing but happiness and never ask for anything back.
May the good Lord bless you all like he has blessed me richly in my life.