by Peter Twitchell
Seal hunters in the greater Anchorage area were successful for the people of the area in getting their quota of seals this month. That’s good to see – our Elders and family members getting out there into the waters for a successful day of hunting.
Seal oil is a vital part of our Elders’ diet and strength and health. Catches of sea mammals are shared among the hunters and their families and friends who benefit a great deal during the hunting season.
Thank you to our people for their way of sharing nature’s bounty and blessings from our creator God.
We entertained the native Elders of Anchorage and the Valley Saturday evening after a lunch break. The Elders danced and enjoyed country songs and danced the Walsh line dance and rock songs that they danced to in their youth this past week at the Anchorage Elders gathering at the north end of Tudor Road and at the Moose Lodge that evening. Dancing keeps us healthy and happy.
I can see our Elders and Youth dance the night away and come back for more the next day and each weekend thereafter as summer approaches. Villages will be gathering subsistence foods from summer through October from hunting moose, seals, birds in the fall, with enough food stored for the winter.
Much of our village people and those who moved to Anchorage, Kenai, the Matsu Valley, and places in the area, work hard and know how to have sober and healthy fun as mentioned in this article. Thank you to those who come to our dances and share our joy of good healthy, fun socializing with our people from up north, western Alaska, Prince William Sound, the Interior, the pan-handle, Aleutians, and the Kodiak region.
This is my birthday month. I’ll be 74. I’ve been blessed with many years. I hadn’t imagined I would share with each one with you. Life is good. We are blessed with a good life, family and friends, our children, and grandchildren.
Have a great summer ahead and a successful season hunting, fishing and gathering, and remember to share with someone and Elders who cannot go out there to enjoy the food gathering that they used to. Grandma will be happy, QUYANA CAKNEQ.