Current items in the FY25 Capital Budget for Senate District S

by Senator Lyman Hoffman

Good afternoon,

Today is day eighty-eight of the 120 day session. This week the Senate Finance committee heard the following bills: SB 60: Repeal Worker’s Comp Appeals Commission; SB 182: Extend Big Game Comm Services Board; SJR 15: Constitutional Amendment: Votes Needed for Veto Override. In addition, I closed 3 of my FY25 budget subcommittees for the Departments of Commerce, Community and Regional Affairs, Education and Early Development and Fish and Game. Next week, the Senate committee of the whole will consider the FY25 budget for the University.

The committee also moved SB 187: Appropriation, Capital Budget.

The following is the current items in the FY25 Capital Budget for Senate District S:

• Kokhanok Airport Resurfacing and Fencing, $6,468,750

• Akutan Harbor Access Road, $379,852

• Captain’s Bay Road, $228,000

• Naknek to King Salmon Non-motorized Pathway, $267,629

• Trout Creek Culvert Replacement/Aquatic Organism Passage Improvements, $3,409,700

• Newtok K-12 School Relocation/Replacement, phase III, $3,986,471

• Nelson Island School Replacement – phase 1, $21,614,500

• Bethel Airport Taxiway, Apron, Fencing Improvements and Service Road, $18,750,000

• Kwigillingok Airport Improvements, $19,582,530

• Chief Eddy Hoffman Highway Reconstruction, $1,819,401

• Aleknagik City Dock Electrical Repairs, $75,000

• Bristol Bay Borough Restoration to Tribal Burial Sites, $225,000

• Dillingham Downtown Fire Hall Replacement Building, $600,000

• Bethel Dust Control and Road Stabilization Measures, $1,200

• Bethel Family Clinic Dental Clinic Expansion & New Equipment Project, $300,000

• Native Village of Napaimute Kuskokwim River Ice Road Equipment, $300,000

• Yuut Elitnaurviat People’s Learning Center Purchase Driver’s Education Vehicle, $50,000

Other items of interest in the FY25 Capital budget include $1.5m AFN Navigator Program, $15m ANTHC Short-Term Skilled Nursing Facility, $7m Denali Commission, $36.1m School Major Maintenance (#1-15 DEED list).

Today, the Senate approved SB 187: FY25 Capital budget. It has been transferred to the House for their consideration.