by Peter Twitchell
Every time I turn on the television set, I see world news, local, state, international chaos on this earth, complete disorder, and confusion about what is right and wrong. People from all walks of life looking outside themselves. The negative in the world is when we take focus on the outside of ourselves, our souls and our minds negative behavior becomes our reality.
What we are thinking and focusing on too often becomes our self if we dwell on the negative, which eventually becomes our behavior. What is inside our minds manifests itself on the outside and shows in our behavior.
Each one of us is unique, we are not all the same, thank the good Lord for that. Individuals who do not believe this become copycats. We have to look within ourselves and determine what is right and wrong. Too often people criticize others, they evaluate, find fault, blame, censure and condemn others.
I believe self valuation can be beneficial to us. We have the ability to examine ourselves and choose between what is good for us, or detrimental to us, things that can cause us injury, or cause harm to our minds, body and spirit.
Drinking alcohol, for example, can cause injury and harm to our body, vital organs, mind, and spirit. Drinking and abusing alcohol, for example, causes injury and harm to our body and often we hurt others and disrespect others. We begin to see ourselves as losers. Disbelief hurts us and harms others around us, family for example.
When you believe something is right or wrong, then it becomes the truth. Negative versus the positive. We need to do a self examination of ourselves, our mind and our behavior.
For example, if you are Alaskan Native, believe that you come from a good tribe, a strong tribe, have pride in your family. You have a history of healthy grandmas and grandpas who were sober, hard workers, healthy, and many live to be 100 years old and more.
People for many generations hold each other in high regard, helping each other, teaching the younger generation the importance of living a healthy life with respect for all living things: man, land, air, water, and tundra, and especially creator God they called Ellam Yua.
They believed Creator God would provide for all their needs and thanked him daily for his blessings. Remember, we can all change the way we think and we can transform ourselves to be productive human beings and change our world around us.