KRITFC 2024 Annual Meeting Recap

KRITFC Commissioners and NWIFC Chair Ed Johnstone in April 2024. (Photo by KRITFC)

by the Kuskokwim River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission

On April 2, 3, and 4, Commissioners from 19 of our Member Tribes gathered in Anchorage for our 2024 Annual Meeting and elections. It was powerful and good to meet after the long winter, as it is every year, and to discuss how we can work together in the upcoming year to restore our salmon and our traditional ways of life.

The theme of this year’s meeting was Qemiriluta: Umyuallgutekluteng Kusquqviim Yui Ciutmurtut (Weaving our Net: Making Connections in the Kuskokwim and Beyond). With this theme, we were delighted to have key partners in our work join us for our meeting, including the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission Chair Ed Johnstone and Executive Director Justin Parker, as well as partners from Association of Village Council Presidents, Tanana Chiefs Conference, Yukon River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ocean Conservancy, Indigenizing Salmon Science & Management/Tamamta Program, and Native People’s Action.

In addition to connecting with our partners, we connected with one another and with our ancestors. We opened our meeting in small groups, sharing wisdom and values our Elders told us to follow. We talked with one another about the importance of preparing for the upcoming fishing, hunting, and gathering seasons; sharing; taking only the fish and foods that we need; not wasting anything; taking care of our fish, fish camps, and gear; and staying unified by treating each other with kindness.

We also sought new pathways to engage our future generations. Our Commissioners unanimously passed a motion to appoint a Youth Advisor to our board. Our leadership and staff look forward to sharing more information with our Tribes about nominating youth to this position soon.

We also honored our late Elder Advisor Robert Lekander (Bethel) with humorous and serious stories from his time with us, and held a moment of silence for our Commissioners Tom Willis (Stony River) and Tim Zaukar (Crooked Creek), who recently passed away. We miss these fishermen, their wisdom, and their advocacy immensely.

During our meeting, our Tribal Commissioners also elected Executive Council representatives from Units 1, 3, 5, and 7 for the 2024-2025 years, as well as our 2024 In-Season Manager team. Tuntutuliak Commissioner and our Secretary Adolph Lupie also announced his retirement, and we gave him a big quyana cakneq for his service.

2024 KRITFC Executive Council:

Unit 1: Betty Magnuson (McGrath), alternate Josh Nikolai (Telida)

Unit 2: Jonathan Samuelson (Georgetown; Chair)

Unit 3: Tracy Simeon (Chuathbaluk), alternate Walter Morgan (Lower Kalskag)

Unit 4: Mike Williams Sr. (Akiak; Vice-Chair), Martin Andrew (Kwethluk)

Unit 5: Henry Hunter Sr. (ONC/Bethel)

Unit 6: Ralph Nelson (Napakiak), alternate Noah Wise (Nunapitchuk)

Unit 7: Paul Cleveland (Kwinhagak; Secretary), alternate Robert Enoch (Tuntutuliak)

2024 KRITFC In-Season Managers:

•Betty Magnuson (McGrath), alternate Jonathan Samuelson (Georgetown), representing Crooked Creek to Telida

•Megan Leary (Napaimute), alternate Walter Morgan (Lower Kalskag), representing Lower Kalskag to Napaimute

•Mike Williams Sr. (Akiak), alternate Martin Andrew (Kwethluk), representing Kwethluk to Tuluksak

•Henry Hunter Sr. (ONC), alternate Ralph Nelson (Napakiak), representing Napakiak to Bethel)

•Paul Cleveland (Kwinhagak), alternate Noah Wise (Nunapitchuk), representing Kwinhagak to Chefornak and Eek to Kasigluk

Elder Advisors: Cagg’aq James Nicori (Kwethluk) and Nick Alexia (Nikolai)

Congratulations to our leadership!

Quyana, Tsen’anh, Chin’an, Digidinh, Thank you to all who made this annual meeting another great event.