Today, March 15, 2024, at Doyon, Limited’s Annual Meeting of Shareholders, four individuals were elected to Doyon’s 13-member Board of Directors. Elected with three-year terms ending in 2025 were Walter “Wally” Carlo, Dr. Charleen C. Fisher, Audrey George, and Christopher Simon.
The newly elected and re-elected board members will join existing board members Cheryl Cadzow, Shirley Cleaver, Marvin Deacon, Sonta Hamilton Roach, Betty Huntington, Jerry Isaac, Jody Potts- Joseph, Geraldine Simon, and Orie G. Williams.
Doyon would like to thank outgoing board member Jennifer Fate for her 18 years of dedication and unwavering support to our shareholders, employees, and Board.
“Jennifer has made immeasurable contributions to our corporation, Doyon Foundation, and our shareholders with each decision made to help guide Doyon into the future,” said Aaron M. Schutt, President and Chief Executive Officer of Doyon. “It has been an honor to work with her over the years.”
The theme of the Annual Meeting was Our Family Tree: Connected by our roots, Strengthen by our diversity. This theme highlights Doyon’s connection to our place, our shareholders, and our family of companies while recognizing the uniqueness of our lands, families, and employees that gives Doyon strength and makes us who we are today.
Items of business included board member elections, a report on the company’s FY23 financial performance, and shareholder of the year awards.
Dr. LaVerne Xilegg Demientieff, Ph.D., a Doyon shareholder, delivered this year’s keynote address.
Doyon is proud to announce the Shareholder of the Year awards:
• Gin’tith Richard Frank Military Service: Frank H. Turner
• Chief Andrew Isaac Leadership: Steeve Erickson
• Poldine Carlo Citizen of the Year: Bessie C. Titus
Headquartered in Fairbanks, Doyon, Limited has more than 20,400 shareholders and was established under the 1971 Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. Doyon has subsidiaries in oilfield services, government contracting, and tourism, is also the largest private landowner in Alaska and one of the largest in North America. Its mission is to continually enhance its position as a financially strong Native corporation in order to promote the economic and social well-being of its shareholders and future shareholders, to strengthen its Native way of life, and to protect and enhance its land and resources. For more information, visit