We have children and have fought OCS here in Anchorage, we did everything they asked and more. OCS kept closing every avenue to get our children to native Foster parents in the Bethel Region, they kept telling us that we can only have them in Anchorage since we (children’s mom and I) are living here and they said only our family can be foster parents in the village. We told them that it isn’t true.
We got family available to take them but OCS had kept giving excuses that the families in the Bethel region that were available couldn’t take the children. They (OCS) told us that only one family was available.
So we worked with the foster parents. There was a plan to let the kids meet and visit mom and their uncle to see our children but the foster mother made an excuse at the last minute. She had to do something else and blamed it on our children’s mother about messing up a meet point and time to see them in person.
The foster father is a non-native black man and the other, a female native of some sort, we don’t know where she is from or what kind of native.
So we had adopted our children to them after they said they would have contact with us weekly, more than how OCS lets us talk to or see them. Our children’s mother and I decided, since they (Foster Parents) are staying here in Anchorage, that we had no choices due to OCS shutting all avenues of positive approach. We did so, expecting the best.
So far the adopted mother is very rash and yells at us when we call and she is drunk and we know the adopted father is a bit better but also drinks. We let OCS know about this, but they said that it was acceptable and we had no other choice.
Now the parents, out of nowhere, told us that they are moving to Kansas City and the foster father said he does not have any house to stay where they want to move to. And he also said they are going to stay with the adopted father’s other family in Florida. To us, that counts as being homeless.
The foster father also told us that we can call them on the numbers provided to us “for now” – he mentioned until they change the contact numbers. Now we are going to lose seeing them in person and they are moving to the other side of the country and all we can do, they said, is to send mail or call. He just said we can see them only once before they leave Anchorage for good.
We are at a loss at all angles of hope. We trusted them, now we lost our children permanently. That is how they (Foster Parents) make us feel.
Is there any possibility that we can have our children stay in the Bethel Region with an all-Native family to adopt to? Our value as natives to our children is important. The Anchorage OCS case worker on our past case does not see that. Our children are going to lose the knowledge, language, and experience of native values and now they are going to be disconnected, not only from us, but from both sides of our families that our children love and from our communities.
We don’t want this to happen. If I do not bring this up, we are at a total loss and only a story will remain of our kids.
I also want to post this in our Native Bethel region if I can with Delta Discovery. I want people to know what had happened to us here in Anchorage with OCS after we did everything they asked us to do to get our children back.
I hope someone can help us.
Daniel Charlie
Anchorage, AK
Sarah Palin Comment on SCOTUS Decision
Former Alaska Governor and 2022 U.S. House Candidate: “At long last, this 50-year nationwide trail of death is over”. Following the historic decision of the U.S. Supreme Court today, correcting the flawed Roe v. Wade ruling in 1972, former Alaska Governor and 2022 U.S. House candidate, Sarah Palin, issued the following statement.
I commend the Supreme Court Justices for their courage in righting a wrong that led to the death of millions of babies in the womb. At long last, this 50-year nationwide trail of death is over.
Let’s be aware of what this ruling means. It simply rules that states decide, as they should have all along. Life is always precious, no matter what the circumstances of conception or chromosomes, and now state legislatures can make policy based on the will of their people.
Let’s also beware how the far left will exploit this ruling. They will claim that the sky is falling and the world is ending – yet this is merely a distraction from the reality that they have wrought on the American people with their extreme policies that have led to record inflation on gas, groceries, and virtually every good and service sold in the United States.”
For more information, please visit: https://sarahforalaska.com/
Sarah for Alaska
Wasilla, AK
Al Gross withdraws from Congressional Race
Al Gross is withdrawing from both the special general and regular elections for U.S. House of Representatives. Dr. Gross is releasing the following statement:
It is with great hope for Alaska’s future that I have decided to end my campaign to become our state’s next Congressman. There are two outstanding Alaska Native women in this race who would both serve our state well, and I encourage my supporters to stay engaged and consider giving their first-place vote to whichever of them best matches their own values. Thank you for your support.
Dr. Al Gross
Petersburg, AK