U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska), released the following statement pending the Senate vote to advance border legislation:
On day one, the Biden administration created this border crisis with their self-imposed open border policies, Sen. Sullivan said. In the last three years, Americans in all fifty states have felt the impacts of this administration’s decision to do nothing, month after month, year after year, as the crisis on our southern border quickly became the largest invasion of illegal aliens in American history. It is a humanitarian, health, and national security crisis of epic proportions. President Biden has refused to act and use the tools already at his disposal, and now, Senate Democrats have refused to force his hand.
I intend to vote no to advance the current proposed border legislation. First, the time frame we have been provided to evaluate this very complex border legislation is inadequate. Despite the hard work of Senator Lankford, this bill appears to give broad discretion to the President, leaving open the possibility that President Biden will not secure the border as intended by this bill. Indeed, the last three years are strong evidence that he won’t.
U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan
Washington, D.C.
Gratitude for the Governor’s bold gesture in demonstrating Alaska’s support of Israel
In a world rife with conflicts and divisions, it is imperative to foster solidarity with our democratic allies, especially when they endure unfathomable threats and attacks. One such nation in dire need of unwavering support is Israel. Discrimination in various forms continues to plague Israel, necessitating resolute support from allies. Alaska took a stand against discrimination by adopting the substance of Representative Vance’s bill, the Israel Anti-Discrimination Act (HB 2), through Governor Mike Dunleavy’s Administrative Order No. 352. In doing so, Alaska not only reiterates its dedication to defending democracy and human rights but also reaffirms its steadfast alliance with Israel.
Governor Mike Dunleavy issued an order concerning contracts entered into by public agencies, stating, “I, Mike Dunleavy, Governor of the State of Alaska, hereby order that all future contracts entered into or approved under AS 36.30 by the State of Alaska or its public agencies shall include a provision that states the support or participation of a boycott of Israel shall be grounds for termination of the contract.”
Representative Vance expressed her gratitude, stating, “A nation that stands with Israel is a nation that is blessed by God. In so many ways, it was good for Governor Mike Dunleavy to take this stand. It makes moral sense, it makes geopolitical sense, and was simply the right thing to do. Now, it is clear that our taxpayer’s dollars will be spent consistent with our values.”
The Administrative Order No. 352 ensures that Alaska stands firmly with Israel and against boycotts, demonstrating a commitment to shared values and mutual support between Alaska and Israel.
Jake Almeida, Chief of Staff
Office of Representative Sarah Vance
AK House District 6
Life saving medications
My name is Priya Helweg, and I am the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Deputy Regional Director for Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and 272 Federally Recognized Tribes.
February is American Heart Month, a time to recognize that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, especially in the African American community. African Americans are 30% more likely to die from heart disease than non-Hispanic whites. However, African Americans can successfully prevent and beat these diseases by understanding the risks and taking steps to address them.
Being physically active, eating healthy, not smoking, and finding healthy ways to deal with stress are all ways we can improve our heart health now and in the future. For me, that means hiking in the mountains or walking my dogs around Green Lake in Seattle.
As the Deputy Regional Director for HHS, I know many Alaska residents rely on life-saving medicines to keep their hearts healthy and improve their quality of life. For patients with cardiovascular disease, prescription drugs can be expensive. Many patients with heart disease may also have other chronic conditions that come with high costs, such as diabetes. As HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra often says, medication is only effective if you can afford it.
Under a new law, the Inflation Reduction Act, the Medicare program, can, for the first time, negotiate a fair price for certain prescription drugs taken by millions of beneficiaries. This year the Secretary selected the first ten high-cost medicines for negotiation, including five that treat cardiovascular disease or prevent complications that impact the heart. Drugs selected for negotiation include Xarelto and Eliquis, drugs taken to prevent blood clots that can lead to a heart attack or stroke, which together are taken by more than 7,000 Alaska residents with Medicare.
Alaska residents don’t have to wait for the drug price negotiations to see lower costs, they can get relief right now thanks to additional benefits in the law that lower prescription drug costs for Medicare Part D beneficiaries, including a policy that caps out-of-pocket prescription drug costs for Medicare Part D beneficiaries. Learn about these new benefits at lowerdrugcosts.gov.
So, if you can, make time for that hike, play with your dog a little longer, or eat those extra vegetables. And for those of you who pair those healthy habits with medication, learn how the Inflation Reduction Act makes prescription drugs less expensive and more accessible. During American Heart Month, add an extra step towards a healthy heart!
Priya Helweg, Region 10 Director
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services