by Peter Twitchell
I rarely see people mask up at the post office, at the grocery stores, at the thrift stores, at the Goodwill stores, or at the major food chain stores. The schools in the Matanuska Valley were having their wrestling tournaments and I went to one school gym that was full of teenagers, adults and old people and I rarely saw anyone wearing a mask.
Just to prove a point, I was told that there were school basketball tournaments back home in the Yukon-Kuskokwim region where teenagers and villagers were catching the covid virus and residents were having sore throats, the runs, fevers, congested lungs.
Let’s face the reality of viruses – they are here, there, and everywhere. We are not out of the woods as far as viruses and we need to wear face masks to protect ourselves and others, no question about it.
Today I hear about Alaskapox. I believe we will live with viruses as long as people don’t take precautions to protect themselves!
Where there are people, I believe a virus exists. I see ads from health professionals, to continue to wash hands, mask up, not hang out partying with people, not to touch eyes, nose, and mouth. The virus thrives in hot weather around the world, I have to wonder about people steambathing together. I heard of an individual who caught the covid virus who enjoyed steaming with others.
I know together we can improve the odds of contracting the covid virus, or other deadly virus.