Newly retired head of Alaska State Wildlife Troopers, Doug Massie, has filed for Alaska State Senate Seat O. Senate District O was recently redrawn, and now covers a significant portion of the Northern Mat-Su Borough, including Willow, Petersville, and Talkeetna. It extends to Parks Highway locales such as Denali, Cantwell, Healy and Clear. Among other communities, District O also holds Lake Louise and Valdez.
Doug Massie is a lifelong Alaskan who resides in the Valley and is actively involved in the area. Doug and his wife, Misty, own a small business on Knik Goose Bay Rd. that supports the dog mushing and snow-machining communities and employs ten local individuals. He has also coached youth hockey for the last 24 years and will continue those efforts again this upcoming season.
Doug looks to bring balanced conservative fiscal policy and improved public safety to his focus. He is a strong advocate for responsible resource development and would like to see expanded investment in Alaska in order to diversify Alaska’s economy and revenue streams. Doug counts himself as a cooperative leader who is open to compromise to find solutions in politics, but not at the expense of his values and ethics. He looks forward to meeting more constituents as he begins this campaign, and better understanding their questions and concerns.
Doug Massie for Alaska
Wasilla, Alaska
Lisa Murkowski gave us the Deb Haaland disaster
There is perhaps no other state for which the identity of the Secretary of the Interior is as important as it is for Alaska. Most people in the Lower 48 can live their whole lives never being aware of who occupies that office, but in Alaska, we are deeply affected by who holds it, and we especially are today.
Our Interior Secretary is the radical environmentalist Deb Haaland, and we have Sen. Lisa Murkowski to thank for that.
Murkowski cast the tie-breaking vote in committee to advance Haaland’s nomination to final approval. And after her confirmation, Haaland wasted no time in confirming our fears that she would be an environmental radical in the job. She is spearheading Biden’s 30×30 plan, to convert 30 percent of America into untouchable federal lands by 2030. Her main target: Alaska.
President Joe Biden has aimed 24 executive actions directly at us, with many of them coming from Haaland’s department. On top of cutting off oil and natural gas exploration in ANWR, Biden and Haaland have been busy attacking Alaska’s energy workers just in recent weeks.
Near the end of April, Biden dispatched Haaland to Alaska to be escorted around the state by Murkowski, who has been enabling the Biden radical agenda with her votes. But once Haaland returned to D.C., she blocked energy production in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, killing more energy jobs and taking billions of barrels of our own oil completely off the table.
In mid-May, Haaland also decided to cancel a lease sale covering over a million acres in Cook Inlet, which could have led to decades of production, thousands of jobs, and billions of dollars of investment in Alaska.
Haaland later appeared before the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, where it was revealed that she has effectively halted new oil drilling and exploration in Alaska. Even more incredibly, Haaland was unable to admit that gasoline prices are too high, despite new all-time records being set nearly every day.
If Biden truly wanted to reduce domestic energy costs, he would fire Haaland and reverse all these decisions. But he has not done that, and he won’t, because reduced domestic energy production, and the resulting increased costs of fossil fuels, are part of the plan hatched by the environmental extremists who are leading his administration.
And all of this can be laid at Lisa Murkowski’s feet.
Sure, there are some who say that Democrats would have found a way to confirm Haaland even without Murkowski’s vote, but that’s merely a weak justification for our senator’s failure to stand up for Alaska.
Instead of fighting for the best interests of Alaska, Murkowski gave Haaland her full support, even after admitting that Haaland would likely be harmful to our state.
And Murkowski didn’t stop there. She also championed the appointment of Haaland’s Deputy Secretary and was once again the tie-breaking vote to advance the confirmation of Haaland’s Solicitor, another radical Biden nominee. Our senator stacked the leadership of the Department of the Interior against us.
Murkowski calls herself a strong leader, but U.S. senators should never dodge accountability, as she has done, by claiming that her tie-breaking vote for Haaland didn’t actually matter. And Murkowski’s vote for Haaland was not simply a one-time mistake; rather, it was a colossal error in judgment that is hammering Alaska over and over again.
Everyone with a pulse saw this coming, but Murkowski feigns shock and dismay every time Haaland does exactly what we all knew she would do.
Of course, Murkowski has voted for over 90 percent of Biden’s radical cabinet appointments, so none of this should surprise anyone in Alaska.
For progressives, there is a clear choice in the Senate race now that Democrat Pat Chesbro has announced her campaign. She would cast many of the same votes as Murkowski and then cheer the outcomes.
By contrast, Murkowski puts the leftist bureaucrats in place and then acts bewildered when they behave like leftist bureaucrats. It’s this tired, two-faced act that frustrates Alaskans because it reveals that no one can trust or rely on Lisa Murkowski.
We deserve a senator who will stand up for Alaska and fight for what’s important to us, and when I’m in the Senate, I can promise you there will be no doubt about where I stand. I’m For Alaska, not the radical D.C. insiders.
Kelly Tshibaka is a born-and-raised Alaskan, and a candidate for the U.S. Senate in Alaska who is endorsed by former President Donald Trump and the Alaska Republican Party.
Kelly Tshibaka
Anchorage, AK
Rep Liz Snyder will not run for re-election
Rep Liz Snyder announced today that she will not run for reelection to the Alaska House of Representatives. She stated:
Anyone who runs for office will tell you that being a candidate or being an elected official is something you do as a family. That’s why, when I ran my first race in 2018, and when I ran again in 2020, we made that decision as a family – and it was one of the best decisions we’ve ever made. After being elected in 2020, I was grateful to have my husband and our two boys with me in Juneau while I worked to serve our district. It has been an incredibly rewarding experience, and we made great changes in a short time. Now, with changes in the needs of our family, we’ve come to the extremely difficult decision for me not to seek re-election in 2022.
Representing the district I love so much has been one of the most rewarding and challenging experiences of my life – and I will have eternal gratitude for everyone who helped get me to Juneau, for everyone who shared their input with our office, and who helped us accomplish all that we did.
It has been an amazing five years. And I am so proud of what my office was able to make happen in Juneau. We passed a budget that prioritized education, public health, and infrastructure development. We ensured the success of a tripartisan coalition that successfully fended off harmful legislation. We secured $6 million for long-needed safety upgrades to the Tudor-Muldoon road. We secured $1.3 million for the Muldoon Library pending federal approval, and helped direct $500,000 to Chanshtnu Park and $10,000 to the Northeast Community Patrol. And we helped Alaska navigate the extensive health and economic impacts of the pandemic.
I made working across the aisle more than just a campaign promise and passed four bills with broad bipartisan support. These bills increase access to health care and improve food security in Alaska. Both issues have always been a passion of mine, and I look forward to seeing these bills help Alaskans everywhere.
I would like to thank ALL of those who supported me, believed in me, mentored me, and helped get East Anchorage a Representative who would listen to them and fight for them in Juneau. I will still be working hard for East Anchorage right up until the election.
Rep. Liz Snyder
Juneau, AK