Rep Kevin McCabe (R) Big Lake has introduced HB107, a bill that establishes legal definitions for “person” and “life” for criminal law definitions and it’s getting it’s first hearing at 1:30PM TODAY (Feb. 26th, 2024) in the House Judiciary Committee.
If you believe that life begins at conception, please send a short email right now and simply tell the Committee you support HB107.
You can also call in but know you might be on hold for awhile.
In the sponsor statement, McCabe emphasizes that “Person” means a natural person or entity that has the moral right of self-determination.
“Life” is defined as the property or quality that distinguishes a living organism from a dead organism or inanimate matter and that is manifested in the function of a metabolism, growth, reproduction, a response to stimuli, or adaption to the environment, each of which originates within the organism.
The Alaska Constitution, in article I, section 1, says all persons have a natural right to life. Thus, every person’s right to life must be protected by the State. Article 1, section 3, further states that no person is to be denied the enjoyment of any civil or political right because of race, color, creed, sex, or national origin. This is true regardless of age, level of dependency, citizenship, or viability. And this protection must not be denied to any human
— even the pre-born.”
This is a wonderful moment to lift up Truth, acknowledge scientific fact and get us closer to a place where more women see their pre-born children as worth protecting.
And maybe, just maybe, down the road, the law will protect them too.
Thanks for engaging.
Jim Minnery
Alaska Family Action
Anchorage, AK
Empowering Youth Voice to End Bullying
Spirit of Youth grantees to address concerns in their communities
Empowering youth voice is crucial in the effort to end bullying. Giving young people the platform and tools to speak out creates a powerful force for change. Here are highlights of the grantees chosen to lead this important movement and showcase the inspiring work of youth leaders who are making a difference.
Hats off to the chosen groups – Alaska Dance Theatre (ADT), Alaska Theatre of Youth (ATY), Seward Prevention Coalition (SPC), and Kenai Borough Public School District (KBPSD)! These dynamic teams, composed of both adult and youth representatives, are passionately crafting projects to address the issue of bullying in their communities.
Alaska Dance Theatre
ADT is excited to put together a youth advisory team. This team will be dedicated to enhancing ADT’s educational climate, fostering kindness, promoting inclusion, and building resilience.
Alaska Theatre of Youth
ATY’s spring production will feature the highly-acclaimed musical, Mean Girls, Jr. This production explores themes of self-acceptance and social inclusion, emphasizing their importance for a healthy and enjoyable life. It delves into topics such as gossip, cliques, harmful stereotyping, and the acceptance of diversity.
Seward Prevention Coalition
The SPC project is called the Student Mentor Program and is operating under the slogan “If we know each other better, we will treat each other better.” They will work to promote connection among the students at Seward High and Seward Middle Schools.
Kenai Borough Public School District
KBPSD is bringing a motivational teacher to five schools. Mr. Koch will share his stories of perseverance and grit no matter your circumstances, and how obstacles can be overcome so you can obtain your goals and dreams. He promotes embracing opportunities and positivity in his messaging.
By highlighting these grantees and showcasing their impactful work, Spirit of Youth aims to inspire more young people to join the movement to use their voices as a force for positive change. When communities work together they can create an environment where bullying is no longer tolerated and every voice is valued and respected.
For more information regarding Spirit of Youth, its programs and people, visit our website.
Spirit of Youth
Anchorage, AK