We are proud to announce that on April 3, 2023, Alaska USA Federal Credit Union will be changing its name to Global Federal Credit Union. Our subsidiary companies are also adopting the Global name. Alaska USA Insurance Brokers will be known as Global Credit Union Insurance Brokers, and Alaska USA Mortgage Company will be known as Global Credit Union Home Loans.
This new brand name is a better description of a membership that is distributed worldwide and more illustrative of our organizational commitment to accessibility anytime, anywhere in the world. While our name is changing, our dedication to our members, the communities we serve, and the valued partnerships with our vendors is not.
Your business with us will not be interrupted by this rebranding, though we do anticipate some changes and updates to forms, names, and payment information. Many of these changes will occur during the normal course of business, so any potential impacts are expected to be minimal.
I am excited to continue our partnership as we undertake this change and look forward to working with you for many years to come.
Geoff Lundfelt, President & CEO
Global Credit Union
UA set to gain 360,000 acres of land
Did you know the University of Alaska is set to gain hundreds of thousands of acres of land as the result of a provision in the recently passed federal spending package? The new law signed by President Biden in late December creates an avenue for the university to gain around 360,000 acres of land. We are encouraged that being a land grant university without all its land is finally coming to an end.
This land will help the University of Alaska further meet its mission of teaching, research and workforce development for Alaska. However, there is still a long way to go before the 360,000 acres are identified, and conveyed and even more time before the university will be able to monetize the lands.
Income from UA’s lands has funded the highly successful UA Scholars Program, awarding $12,000 in scholarships to the top 10 percent of graduates from each Alaska high school who attend UA. Since its inception, the scholarship program has awarded more than $70 million in academic support resulting in more than 7,000 degrees and certificates for students from nearly every community in Alaska. Land earnings have also supported teaching and research in natural resources, fisheries/ocean science, biology, agriculture, minerals, and education.
The framework calls for the university to work with the state Dept. of Natural Resources to jointly identify up to 500,000 acres of federal land to be conveyed to the state. It would require the Bureau of Land Management to survey the selection and work with UA to transfer up to 360,000 acres of state land to the university. The UA Lands office already has selected 200,000 acres and provided the selection to DNR for review. The acreage ultimately transferred to UA would be deducted from Alaska’s outstanding statehood lands entitlement and managed by the UA for the benefit of our students.
It has taken the dedicated work of many people to find a resolution to this long-standing deficit.
Senator Lisa Murkowski is responsible for this tremendous outcome. Thanks also go to Representative Mary Peltola and Governor Dunleavy for their leadership on this issue and Sen. Dan Sullivan for his support of the UA Fiscal Foundation Act.
Also significant was the bipartisan backing from Alaska businesses, organizations, and state leaders who advocated for this positive outcome.
University of Alaska
Fairbanks, AK
First Alaskans Institute Mourns Loss of Aveogan Oliver Leavitt
Dgheyey Kaq’, Dena’inaq ełnen’aq’ qilan (Anchorage, Alaska, lands of the Dena’ina) – First Alaskans Institute (FAI) Board of Trustees and Staff are deeply saddened by the loss of one of our founding Trustees, Dr. Aveogan Oliver Leavitt (Iñupiaq) of Utqiaġvik, who passed peacefully last night (Jan. 9th, 2023) while surrounded by his beloved family and friends. He was known for his commitment to the community as a Whaling Captain, renowned whaling boat builder and iconic statewide Alaska Native leader.
Aveogan proudly represented his beloved community of Utqiaġvik, the Arctic Slope region and statewide Alaska Native community in many key leadership positions for over four decades. As a leader in the early ANCSA days, he fought tirelessly for the rights of his peoples locally, statewide and nationally.
“He was a wonderful human being, father, grandfather, whaler who came from an era where he had to hitch up his dogs to get wood to keep his house warm. He was a leader for his region and Alaska,” said Iġġiaġruk Willie Hensley (Iñupiaq), Chairman of FAI and longtime dear friend.
Aveogan often invited FAI Trustees and staff to his beloved Utqiaġvik community to celebrate, host gatherings, and experience the ways of life in the North Slope. He understood the importance of people making connections to the land and peoples, especially our younger generations. He was awarded the Howard Rock Alaska Native Leader Award at our most recent Smokehouse Gala in recognition of his quality of character and distinct caliber of leadership, including the many ways he regularly put his community and peoples before himself.
Our hearts are with Annie Hopson Leavitt, his two daughters Mary Lou Leavitt and Martina (Jamie) Hopson, daughter-in-law Doreen Leavitt, grandchildren, great grandchildren, his whaling crew, his ASRC family, all his relatives, friends, and community. Quyanaqpak to his family and region for sharing him with us all. He was dedicated to his Iñupiaq culture and language, and throughout his lifetime he never swayed from practicing and sharing Alaska Native ways of life. His care, love and advocacy for his community and region will be missed as he truly was a friend and protector. “We wrap his family and his community in a warm blanket of gratitude and love for his life and leadership,” said La quen náay Liz Medicine Crow (Haida/Lingít), President/CEO of FAI and one of the many younger people Aveogan took time to guide and advise.
First Alaskans Institute
Anchorage, AK