Tony Bennett and his family bravely revealed his Alzheimer’s diagnosis in February 2021. Following his diagnosis, Bennett was an incredible advocate for the cause, sharing his story publicly to help reduce stigma and elevate the conversation on behalf of the millions of families facing the disease. His passing is devastating for music fans around the world, but his transparency was meaningful for millions of individuals and families who are all too familiar with the crushing realities of Alzheimer’s.
Alzheimer’s — a progressive, degenerative, and fatal brain disease — is the most common cause of dementia. For Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures, an annual report by the Alzheimer’s Association, visit alz.org/facts.
● There are more than 6 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s dementia.
● Currently, more than 11 million family members and friends are serving as Alzheimer’s caregivers.
● In Alaska alone, 8,500 individuals are living with Alzheimer’s, and over 25,000 Alaskans are support their families as unpaid caregivers.
● The Alzheimer’s Association offers a number of resources at alz.org and on the phone – including a free 24/7 Helpline (800.272.3900) staffed by masters-level clinicians
Alzheimer’s Association
Alaska Chapter
EMMONAK: This thank you letter on behalf of later brothers and sisters is long due.
Children of late Catherine Teresa Andrew Moore and late Willie Lanny Moore of Emmonak, Alaska.
First of all I would like to thank the Crow Family of Bethel for the beautiful appreciation letter for my late brother Martin B. Moore, DOB: April 12, 1937, entered eternal life: February 3, 2022, final resting place: Emmonak. Thanks to Nick Tucker, City of Emmonak, Community of Emmonak and the surrounding villages. Thank you for all the people that came to memorial mass at the Holy Family Cathedral.
Second of all, I would like to thank the following people that helped with me with my brother Peter M. Moore at the time of his death, April 19th, 2019. He was Traditional Chief for AVCP.
Peter M. Moore, DOB: June 4, 1932, entered into eternal life: April 19, 2019, final resting place: Emmonak, Alaska.
My late brothers Martin/Robert, my late sisters Agnes/Martha, and my youngest sister Minnie for guidance while Peter was in ANMC Hospital. All my brothers, family, nieces and nephews that took care of him in Emmonak, and nieces and nephews that escorted him back and forth to ANMC. Thank you for all the grave diggers. Frank Kameroff for the cross. Thanks everyone that helped the Moore Family in time of need for the support. Thank you to AVCP for the casket and Everts for transportation to Emmonak. Calista for the generous donation from Emmonak. Demos Uisok, Paul Smith, Dean for helping me with transportation night and day until his death. Thanks to everyone for the 40 day feast and his one year. Thanks to everyone that cooked.
Robert K. “Maha” Moore, DOB: June 9, 1950, entered into eternal life: December 1, 2020, final resting place: Emmonak, Alaska.
People I want to thank for my brother Robert “Maha” Moore during his last days in my house. Two very special people that stayed up every day and night watched Maha while I was at work are his granddaughter Brittany Moore and his nephew Demos Uisok, they never left his side. Deana Moore Kelly for cooking all the native foods he wanted. For transportation Sophie Moore. The following nephews took him in and out of the house to his truck and ANMC for his appointments with his wheelchair: Demos and Jazz Banks, also Joe Uisok and George Waska that helped him to his truck and spent the day with him at his last appointment. Tanisha for cooking his thanksgiving dinner and all the native food that persons brought to my house. Thanks to everyone in Emmonak for the food and the burial site. Thanks to the grave diggers and the cross maker, thanks to everyone that cooked at his 40 day feast and his one year. Thanks to Randall Agathluk and his boys for the transportation.
Sophie Lee, DOB: July 29, 1922, entered into eternal life: November 29, 2020, final resting place: Anchorage, Alaska.
Thanks to Louie Lee for making his mom’s Sophie Lee’s funeral arrangements and Billie Jean for transportation. Thanks to the Assisted Living Home that took care of Sophie from October 2016 to November 2020. Thanks to Sophie Beans, Angela, and Christine for the guidance and to CIRI Tribal Housing. Thanks to Deana Moore Kelly and Demos for helping Dora V. Moore and Louie.
Martha Moore Agathluk McGrath, DOB: June 28, 1944, entered into eternal life: May 23, 2021, final resting place: Emmonak, Alaska.
Thanks to everyone that helped the family at ANMC and at Emmonak, thanks for all the donations to bring our sister home. Casket makers and John Bird and his boys for the cross, all the grave diggers, all the people that cooked and the gospel singers. thanks to community of Emmonak for all the food and airline tickets.
Mary Agnes Moore Uisok, DOB: June 14, 1943, entered into eternal life: August 30, 2021, final resting place: Old Hamilton, Alaska.
Thanks to everyone that helped the family at ANMC and at Emmonak. Randall Agathluk for transportation at the airport in Emmonak to her house, church, and to the boat to go to Old Hamilton. Thanks to the community of Emmonak, thanks everyone from Emmonak, Kotlik for preparation at Old Hamilton for burial. Thanks to all the people that brought the food to Hamilton and the help.
Paul E. Smith, DOB: November 19, 1944, entered into eternal life: June 19, 2021, final resting place: Emmonak, Alaska.
Last of all I want to thank everyone that helped me with Paul E. Smith in Anchorage and Emmonak. Thanks to John Bird and his boys for his casket and the cross. Maynard Moore for keeping us in his house and making funeral arrangements for Paul. Thanks to Nancy and Sophie Moore for going out to Wasilla to the funeral home to make funeral arrangements. Thanks to Dean Parker for bringing Paul back to Anchorage to the house. Thanks to Nancy Moore for using her points from Bethel to Emmonak to escort Paul home. Thanks to the gospel singers. Thanks to my brother Maynard, Fred, and Albert, the nephews for digging and burial, also Janette and Marvin Kelly. Funeral for Paul was during Martha Agathluk McGrath’s 40 day feast. Thanks to everyone that cooked.
Last of all I want to thank everyone that helped me here in Anchorage, all the nurses and doctors at ANMC and Emmonak. Thank you for all the phone calls giving me support with Peter Moore, Sophie Lee, Robert Moore, Mary Agnes Uisok, Martha Agathluk, Paul E. Smith, and to my brother Martin B. Moore with all prayers, guidance and advice and the support.
Thank you from the Moore Family and relatives that couldn’t make it to Emmonak due to COVID-19 for all the funerals.
Dora Viola Moore
Emmonak/Anchorage, AK