Governor Dunleavy has announced that he has vetoed Senate Bill 140, the broadly supported bipartisan education bill which passed overwhelmingly on a vote of 56-3.
The governor’s decision to veto this comprehensive and bipartisan education bill is extremely disappointing. Throughout this session, Alaskans have made clear that the legislature must address the funding crisis facing our students, educators, and schools across Alaska, said House Minority Leader Rep. Calvin Schrage (I-Anchorage). Alaska’s education system is in crisis and SB140 provides essential support to Alaska’s students whether they attend charter, correspondence, or neighborhood brick and mortar schools while directing funds into the classroom and funding the Alaska Reads Act. The members of the Alaska House Coalition stand ready to override this veto and ensure SB140 becomes law.
Graham Judson, Communications Director
Alaska House Coalition
Thanks to Governor Dunleavy for Vetoing SB 140
Americans for Prosperity – Alaska (AFP-AK) thanks Governor Dunleavy for vetoing SB 140, which aimlessly hikes school district spending without providing any substantive educational reforms. Before Alaska inflates spending more than it already has over recent years, it must pass proven policies that put students first and that improve education outcomes.
AFP-AK State Director Bethany Marcum issued the following statement regarding SB 140:
Thank you, Governor Dunleavy, for sending a message that Alaska prioritizes students over systems. Families are hungry for real reform and SB 140 clearly misses the mark Education funding should be used to support students – not systems. We urge legislators to unite in support of the Governor’s veto. Alaska’s families deserve an education system that works for each unique student with reforms like open enrollment.
Americans for Prosperity stands ready to hold accountable those elected officials who perpetuate this failed status quo.
Alaska leads the nation in per-pupil funding but lags dramatically in student performance. Alaska’s per-pupil expenditure – over $22,000 per student – is the sixth highest in the nation. Despite this large investment in Alaska’s education system, Alaskan students rank 49th in the nation in performance.
Through broad-based grassroots outreach, Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is driving long-term solutions to the country’s biggest problems. AFP activists engage friends and neighbors on key issues and encourage them to take an active role in building a culture of mutual benefit, where people succeed by helping one another. AFP recruits and unites Alaskans behind a common goal of advancing policies that will help people improve their lives. For more information, visit www.AmericansForProsperity.org
Americans for Prosperity – Alaska
Juneau, AK
Mike Huckabee is a long-time supporter of the FairTax. The below link is one of his promotional videos requesting support. Please listen to it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuR2zj8-H08
Our Federal Income Tax system is broken beyond repair. It is extremely complex and burdensome, requiring even low- and middle-income filers to pay for filing assistance. The 70,000 plus pages of regulations and codes are filed with political payola provisions. Even more serious, the IRS is one of the foremost federal agencies weaponized by bureaucrats and those holding political power. Remember Lois Lerner’s individual war against Tea Party members while serving on the taxpayer’s dime.
Long time Congressman Don Young was always a co-sponsor of the FairTax bill (HR25) from the time the bill was first introduced. Not one of our current Alaska delegation members openly supports the FairTax.
I urge you to learn more about the FairTax and donate in any amount: www.FairTax.org.
Wiley Brooks, Alaska State Director
Americans for Fair Taxation