by Peter Twitchell
As I’ve grown older and wiser, and closer to the Lord and savior Jesus Christ, our Redeemer of Nazareth, I have learned a few things about my own behavior. When I was young and foolish often I was quick to judge and criticize others.
In my elder years I have learned more about Jesus and his love for us unconditionally, that we too, you and me have people placed in our lives that need help lately. I’ve had two people come into my life that I felt needed Jesus’ love that’s in my heart. To support, encourage, care and love the people as commanded by God.
People that the Lord, our savior, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, brings into our lives. People who are lonely, sad, and need a loving spirit. Ones that need comfort and encouragement. These are the people that should matter to you and me. People need help, and they need Jesus to solve all the problems that our lives bring into us.
Never be afraid or ashamed to share Jesus‘s love for all mankind, and this is what I did when I was a substance-abuse counselor. I always told my group in classes – a group of 21 men, young men who had troubled lives in addiction to drugs and alcohol problems – that they were created by God and I always told them you’re not a bad man. God didn’t make a bad man, it’s what the world does to us if we let the wickedness come into our hearts.
We know people’s stories, often they don’t know our story and they need to hear our story of how we came short of the glory of God’s throne.
In my elder years and my middle and earlier years, I was talked to by my elders to love others. That was the wisdom of our ancients and our elders when we were young children growing up. We need to pass on their love to others who need it. These people have fears, so look at people in your life today. Who are they?
These may be people who you hang out with or have been drawn to you by your kindness, generosity with what we know and share with them, and by treating them like another human being. God didn’t make a bad person. Lord God Almighty created us in his image, and he wants us to be like him to love others.
Our ancients and our elders for generations have known this and taught us to love each other and to love others. It’s like walking with the lonely, perhaps taking the unwanted children and adopting them and raising them to love others, to love each other, and to love God our Almighty Creator.
I really do try my best to have love and understanding for people who could care less about you. I’m beginning to understand God‘s love for me, and that I should love others as He has loved me.
I have gotten to know people who are my lifetime friends and when I see someone hurting for a good life without alcohol and drugs, without hatred and violence, I do what I can to see them through with support, love, and understanding, care, and encouragement. I always let them know they are a good person no matter who they are and what they’ve done.
Our Lord God, almighty Jesus Christ of Nazareth. In the end it is His job is condemn, not mine. I’m just another imperfect human being in this world, so I can’t condemn anybody. I’m not that perfect of a human being.