by Warrior Weekly Staff
March 27th, 2020: Last week BRHS was abnormally quiet as teachers and administrators discussed how to educate students from a distance during the school closure due to the Coronavirus pandemic. They decided on the following process:
1. During the week, teachers plan out lessons and assignments, and then make enough copies for all students in their classes. (The lessons focus on the curriculum for each course.)
2. Teachers then place the work in student envelopes by Friday of each week.
3. On the following Monday, administration and support staff deliver the work to students and parents at bus stop locations around Bethel.
4. Students have one week to complete the work, after which it will be picked up at the same locations, when new work is dropped off.
5. In addition, teachers have also been communicating with their students via email or Google Classroom.
According to BRHS principal, Dr. Boyer, “Providing school work will keep students on an academic projection and give them something productive to do during the school closure.” He added that delivering physical work to students provides “equity access” to learning for all students. Some students don’t have laptops, and of those that do, not all can access the Internet.
Note: Since the initial writing of this article, only essential employees are allowed in the school for much of each day. Teachers sign up for slots of time during each week in order to prepare work for students. The rest of the time, they are working from home.
The Warrior Weekly is produced each week by the students and staff of the Bethel Regional High School.