March 31st, 2020:
1. City of Bethel to provide temporary assistance with utility services
The City of Bethel is concerned that some Bethel households may lack water and sewer service during these challenging times because of financial hardship related to the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic emergency
Acting City Manager Bill Howell announced today that the City will implement temporary and emergency measures to ensure access to water and sewer services for those in need. Effective immediately and for the duration of the public health emergency:
• The City will not shut off customers’ utility services for nonpayment.
• Utility bills due in April and May will not include any penalties or interest, even if payment was late.
• Residents who do not currently have service and cannot afford it should call Utility Billing at 543-3150 for assistance.
These special provisions are authorized under Emergency Ordinance #20-09 and are intended to temporarily assist our Customers who may be struggling with finances as a result of and during the COVID-19 pandemic emergency. Customers are still responsible for paying their utility bills.
2. City of Bethel to Extend Deadline for Sales Tax Returns by 15 Days for February and March Sales Tax Returns
The City of Bethel recognizes that some businesses may have difficulty submitting their Sale Tax returns on time due to the closure of City Hall during the COVID-19 emergency. To address this issue, the City will accept February and March returns and payments up to the 15th of April (for February) and the 15th of May (for March). Forms are available on our website and at the front door of City Hall.
P.O. Box 1388 ● Bethel, Alaska 99559
Fax: 907-543-1388