by Josiah Swope
My name is Josiah Swope, I’m a 17-year-old junior in the ANSEP acceleration program and serve my age group as the executive at-large student body secretary for the Bethel Regional High School.
Over the past year and a half, I began lifting weights as an extracurricular activity, which I have grown to enjoy immensely. Beyond physical fitness and personal health, the gym provides me with a sense of community that exists even beyond the borders of Bethel.
I’m very appreciative of the work that our community has put towards creating and carrying out the business of the YK Fitness Center. Having a community space that allows people of all ages to participate in swimming and exercise has undoubtedly been a positive contribution to the city of Bethel. There is one aspect that I think would make it even better – if there was a power rack inside the facility’s weight room.
The current setup includes free bars but the only option for squatting (a fundamental lift) is a smith machine. Concerns about safety with free weights are understandable but using a smith machine comes with its own drawbacks. Studies show that it neglects crucial stabilizer muscles, weakening them and potentially increasing risk of injury.
Smith machines can be helpful for beginners or those with injuries, but overall, free weights offer greater benefits and a more natural training experience for strength and functional fitness.
Additionally, the lack of a power rack forces users to improvise risky maneuvers like loaded bar cleans for front squats or having others load plates with the bar already situated on the shoulders. A power rack would eliminate these unsafe practices and offer more versatility for squats and other lifts.
I think that if the high school has a squat rack that is utilized by the students, anyone within the city 16 years or older should be able to properly utilize a squat rack at the fitness center.
Bethel carries powerlifting prestige with Natalie Hanson, who is a world-renowned and record-breaking powerlifter. This American Open squat record holder deserves the ability to maintain proper training while visiting home and utilizing Bethel’s proud facility.