by LKSD Staff
The LKSD Board of Education is pleased to announce their choice for a new Superintendent beginning on July 1, 2024. The Board wishes to express their sincere thanks to everyone who participated in and supported the Superintendent search process.
On Monday, February 12, the Board provided focus group meetings, an afternoon staff forum, and an evening community forum for staff, students, families, and community members to hear from the three finalist candidates: Andrew Anderson, Joshua Gill, and Edward Pekar.
The Board then met on February 13th to interview the finalists, review the results of the interviews, and review community feedback.
The Board took formal action in open session on February 13 and voted for the appointment of Andrew Anderson.
Mr. Anderson previously served as the Superintendent of the Lower Yukon School District from 2018 – 2020, and the Assistant Superintendent and Director of Human Resources prior to that. He has served as Principal or Vice-Principal for three village schools in the Bering Strait School District and one year as the Principal of Nome Beltz Jr/Sr High School.
Mr. Anderson was the Superintendent of Schools in Livingston, Montana for eight years (2003-2011) before returning to Alaska. He holds a M. Ed. in Secondary School Administration from Montana State University, and a B.A. in History from Harvard University.
Of the selection, Board President Clarence Daniel said, “The board had three very good candidates and very great interviews. We went back and forth in evaluating each candidate and it was a tough decision to make. The board is grateful for all the input from staff, community, ASB, and students we received, it was helpful in the decision-making process. Selecting a superintendent is a big decision and I would hope that our school community feels a sense of ownership in the process. The board would also like to thank AASB for their assistance in our superintendent search. The board looks forward to working with Mr. Andrew Anderson on the board’s goals and priorities for the best interests of the students in the Lower Kuskokwim School District.”
Mr. Anderson made the following statement upon his appointment:
“I am truly honored and humbled to be selected as the incoming LKSD Superintendent and am excited to work with the Regional School Board, educators, families, and community members throughout the district in support of successful learning and healthy growth for all students.”
The Association of Alaska School Boards (AASB) contracted to facilitate the search for the Superintendent.