by AK Fish & Game
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) has published preliminary harvest and value figures for the 2020 Alaska Commercial Salmon Fishery.
The 2020 commercial salmon fishery all species harvest was valued at approximately $295.2 million (nominal), a 56% decrease from 2019’s value of $673.4 million. A total of 116.8 million fish were harvested, a 44% decrease in the 2019 total harvest of 208.3 million fish. Of this total, sockeye salmon accounted for approximately 59% of the total value at $174.9 million and 40% of the harvest at 46.1 million fish. Pink salmon accounted for approximately 21% of the value at $61.8 million, and 51% of the harvest at 59.4 million fish. Chum salmon accounted for 9% of the value at $25.9 million and 7% of the harvest at 8.7 million fish. Coho salmon accounted for approximately 6% of the value at $18.2 million and 2% of the harvest at 2.3 million fish. Chinook salmon harvest is estimated to be nearly 260,000 fish with an estimated preliminary exvessel value of $14.3 million. A total of 6,461 individual permit holders made commercial salmon landings in 2020, an 11% decrease from 2019 (7,256 permits).
When compared to the long-term time-series (1975-2019), the 2020 commercial salmon harvest of 116.8 million fish is the thirteenth lowest on record. In terms of pounds of fish, the all-species salmon harvest of 517.5 million pounds is the eighth lowest all-species salmon harvest recorded since 1975. Adjusted for inflation (CPI, 2020 prices), the 2020 exvessel value estimate of $295.2 million is the lowest exvessel value reported since 2006.
These are preliminary harvest and value estimates which will change as fish tickets are processed and finalized. Dollar values provided by ADF&G are based on estimated exvessel prices and do not include post-season price adjustments. Final value of the 2020 salmon fishery will be determined in 2021 after seafood processors, buyers, and direct marketers report total value paid to fishermen in 2020.