by Kailey Napoka, Daniel Andrew, & Isaiah Gregory
On Thursday last week Jeffrey, Mr. L, Joshua, and Jenalyn went on a school moose hunt. The school got a special hunting permit for the school to take students to go hunt a moose. They took two snow gos and they left around 10am and came back around 5pm.
They headed up the Tuluksak river toward Nelson Island. They just saw the moose out in the open on the river and followed it into the trees. They said they didn’t have to make any moose calls.
First they saw a cow and a calf. Then a cow and a bull then caught the bull. Jenalyn first shot it in the leg. The bull didn’t have any antlers so they couldn’t figure out how old it was. Then they went after it in the trees and deep snow.
“We had to go through really deep snow,” Joshua said. It took about 30 minutes to try to shoot it again then Joshua shot and hit it around the shoulder. Finally, Jen took another shot and hit it in the head. They had to wait for an hour before they started cutting it with the help of Mr. L and Jeffrey.
“We were really far from the moose. Like from Ms. Emma’s class to Cathy’s house,” said Jenalyn. “We were sweating and we were tired.”
“It’s easier to carry the moose in the winter because they can put it on the sled compared to in the fall where they have to carry it to the boat,” Daniel said.
Everyone will help cut up the moose this upcoming Monday at school.
This was first published in What’s new in the Rez? on February 19th, 2024 by Ms. Emma’s journalism class at the Tuluksak School.