by Greg Lincoln
Class of 2020, you may now turn the tassle! Congratulations! You have worked hard for your diplomas, endured through it even in the midst of a worldwide pandemic, adapted to some difficult changes in your schooling, and are now ready to reap the benefits that having a diploma brings.
Schools have gotten creative in hosting their graduation ceremonies and still hold to the social distancing orders. Some schools are planning and some have had virtual graduations and others are doing drive ins – very historical and unique in response to the times we have been chosen to live in.
On Saturday, May 16th will be the commencement ceremony for the Bethel Regional High School senior class. At 1:00PM there will be a Graduation Parade followed by the drive-in style ceremony at 1:30pm.
We are looking forward to seeing you graduate. We are especially proud since we have been here since you started school and have seen you grow into young adults, ready to go wherever your dreams may take you.