by Peter Twitchell
Life gets interesting as I age. First, I’ll admit time flew by from my youth to my retirement age. I have to admit again that it seems like it’s slowed down to where time stand still! Sometimes 15 minutes of the hour feel like an eternity!
I remember when I was a teenager listening to the record album, “Gary Lewis and the Playboys” where his father Jerry Lewis, the famous actor and comedian sings “Time stands still”.
I’m just wondering if I’m feeling what he was feeling when he sang that song and I don’t believe it’s a coincidence. I believe when we think of time as slowing down or standing still is accurate and I’ll reflect on this now.
I’m just thinking right this moment “I must be in my golden years!”
I never worry about what tomorrow will bring. I just know it’s going to come and I must make the best of each day I have. I always feel that tomorrow is going to be a better day.
When I think about the saying “The Golden Years” without fail it seems like my past since childhood was golden in years growing up, to the present time.
Especially the things I hold dear to my heart and my mind like my family, my friends, and people I know that are not here anymore. All these memories are treasures and precious – 65 plus years ago to this moment in my life.
Because of the past I can say today the friends and family I have presently are more precious than gold.
It’s like waking up to the facts and events that happened that transformed my life to where life is more precious, awesome, and can never be replaced by anything else including the current cycle of life I am experiencing.
I can only add to the fact that life gets better as you get older. I am confident this phase of my life and what is to come was ordained by the Almighty Creator God and this realization that I have a life that’s worth living and am enjoying to the fullest.