by Greg Lincoln
Quyana to everyone who helped in any way at all before and after the passing of our beloved Dad and Ap’a Alois Lincoln of Toksook Bay. We are grateful for all that you did, the kind gestures, all the messages and condolences, and the thoughtfulness and care you showed us during our time of sorrow.
We give thanks to YKHC Staff members Marcia Coffey, Scott Devlin for the coffee and candy, Lawrence for always taking good care of our Dad, Patricia, Sarah, Minnie, and Leon, and nurses Brittany and Jolene and staff at Inpatient, and the doctors and nurses who also cared for him.
Thank you to the health aides Printellina Moses and Cynthia Tulik and others in Toksook Bay who were there whenever he wasn’t feeling well, your help is greatly appreciated.
Quyana to the folks in Bethel: the Herron Family for the beautiful wreath and the fried bread and food, Josh and Danielle Craven for the egamaarrluk and moose soup, Monica Charles for offering her help and for the food gifts, Bertha Chase for the delicious salmon strips, Vivian Korthuis for the delicious bread.
In Toksook we thank everyone who brought Eskimo foods – the herring egamaarluk, the akutaqs, soups and stews, homemade bread, the oily fish and seal oil, dried halibut and dried herring, the silver salmon and whitefish, and ducks, and for help with cleaning and organizing.
Quyana to Noah and Kristy Lincoln and family for preparing our Dad’s final resting place. Thank you to Simeon Moses for building the wood cover and cross for us, we appreciate it very much. Thank you to the St. Peter Fisherman Church choir for the beautiful singing that was heard all the way in heaven. Thank you to Fr. Tom and Deacon Joe Asuluk for officiating during the funeral.
Quyana to everyone who brought cooked and brought food to the farewell feast at the multipurpose building. Thank you to all the guests who came including those all the way from Nome, Koyuk and Shishmaref. We appreciate the hugs and the comfort of your presence.
Thank you to John Flynn and the folks at Grant Aviation for safe transport of us and our Dad on his final flight home. We appreciate your consideration the exceptional thoughtfulness that you showed us on September 20, 2023 with the angel flight, quyana.
We appreciate Nunakauiak Yupik Corporation, the City of Toksook Bay, Coastal Villages Region Fund, the Calista Corporation, and the Lumber Yard for your generous donations, thank you all very much.
Thank you to Vanessa Lincoln Kutcher and family for the beautiful flower arrangments, that is so thoughtful of you. Also thank you to Josie Starr and Anna Langlie and family for the flowers. And thank you so much to Agnes McIntyre for taking care of our guests at Dad’s home when we had to step away to attend to matters.
Thank you to the community of Toksook Bay for taking care of all our needs and for being with us each day and also at the funeral and gravesite service. Your presence made us feel loved and we were comforted.
Quyana to the Lincoln Family for the family dinner we enjoyed and to all who cooked and helped organize and cleaned. Thank you Felix and Eliza Lincoln and family for opening your home to host the feast. Everything was so good, made with love, and we enjoyed the company of our family.
And a special blessing and thank you to our eldest sister Priscilla Moses for taking care of our Dad for so long even though you had your own family to take care of and your own health challenges. Quyana.
May you all be richly blessed.