Moses Paul Jacob, 22 4th Degree Assault 1 Day, 3 Yrs. Prob.
Nathan Allen Foss, 21 Driving Without Valid Operators License $10
John Wassillie Nick, 26 4th Degree Assault 90 Days
Salena Kalistook, 22 2nd Degree Harassment 1 Day, 1 Yr. Prob.
Anthony Washington Jr., 31 2nd Degree Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance 3 Yrs., 3 Yrs. Prob.
Nellie Serradell, 23 4th Degree Assault 60 Days, 3 Yrs. Prob.
Probation violations
Fogey C. Andreanoff, 53 Violated Conditions of Probation 90 Days
Carl Oney, 33 Violated Conditions of Probation 6 Mos.