The four missing boys from Nunam Iqua that had gone out for a snowmachine ride on February 2nd and did not come home have been found alive by ground searchers.
On 2/02/2020 at approximately 1825, Alaska State Troopers received a report out of Nunam Iqua that four children had not returned from a snowmachine ride. The children were reportedly due back by 1300 hours.
Local search and rescue members were out looking for the children. The children were identified as Christopher Johnson, age 14, Frank Johnson, age 8, Ethan Camille, age 7, and Trey Camille, age 2.
Rescue Coordination Center was notified and helicopter assets from the Army National Guard and the United States Coast Guard were activated to participate in the search. Multiple search and rescue groups from neighboring villages also participated in the search efforts.
During the searching, reduced visibility from blizzard conditions hampered efforts.
At approximately 1625 hours on 2/3/2020, the four missing children were located by ground searchers approximately 18 miles south of Nunam Iqua. U.S. Coast Guard Helo responded to the location and transported the children to Bethel where they were taken to YKHC. All four are being treated for severe hypothermia. Parents of the children were notified.
Reports from searchers say that the children were found in a hole in the snow that they had dug where they kept the 2 year old warm with their bodies sheltering him. Earlier searches had passed through the same area but hadn’t seen the children.
Prayers flooded in through social media for the missing children. When they were found the families of the children rejoiced along with everyone who had been following the search.
As of Sunday, February 9th, 2020, two of the boys were released and have returned home. The other two are recovering, at hospitals in Anchorage.
Alaska State Troopers want to thank all that were involved in this search.