The Kuskokwim Ice Classic has a winner – Mona Morrow of Aniak guessed the right time to win the $19,420 jackpot. The clock stopped at 4:48pm on May 18, 2023. Morrow is also the winner of the Minute Madness Clock 1 – she guessed 48 to win an additional $10k.
Winner of the Minute Madness Clock 2 is Dora Kozevnikoff of Akiak and winner of the Minute Madness Clock 3 is Willie Frank of Tuntutuliak. They both win $10k for their correct guesses.
On Saturday, May 20 the community celebrated the arrival of spring break up at the Break Up Bash. 1,000 hot dogs were enjoyed at the event at the river on Front Street. Jeremy Lee, the Qasgirmiut Eskimo Dancers, and Velma Lyle gave live performances.