Calista Corporation 2023 Online Early Bird Proxy prize winners

Over 35 Percent of Eligible Shareholders Qualified for $17,500 in Prizes.

Seven Calista (cha-LIS-tah) Corporation Shareholders are winners in the first round of Early Bird proxy prizes for the 2023 Annual Meeting of Shareholders. All proxy prize winners are randomly drawn by Sramek Hightower, a certified public accounting firm in Anchorage that serves as the Inspector of Elections.

Nearly 9,000 Shareholders who cast their proxy votes online by 5pm on May 12, qualified for the 2023 Online Early Bird prizes. The winners are:

• $10,000 Prize – Justin C.G.E. Larson (Bethel)

• $2,500 Prize – Jacquelyn T. Frenzl (Delta Junction)

• $1,000 Prize –

Ellimae N. Charles (Bethel)

Patricia L. Sorensen (Bethel)

Richard O. Bender (Anchorage)

Corey J. Phillip (Tuluksak)

Marilyn M. Saddler (Anchorage)

About 1 in 3 Elders have voted online, and nearly 7 in 10 voters have finished in less than 3 minutes. Shareholders who voted online by the May 12 deadline also automatically qualified for all remaining rounds of prizes.

The deadline for the next round of prizes—the Regular Early Bird drawings—is 5pm on Tuesday, May 23. All valid paper and online proxies received by this deadline qualify. There are 7 prizes totaling $17,500. The deadline for the final round of proxy prizes is 5pm on Tuesday, May 30 (all times AKDT).

“Voting at uses less data than Facebook and can easily be done with a smartphone,” said Thom Aparuk Leonard, vice president of corporate affairs. “In addition, each Shareholder has an individual voting PIN that can be easily retrieved using Calista’s PIN lookup tool.”

Proxy prizes are only awarded if enough Shareholders vote and quorum is reached. This makes the Annual Meeting valid. Learn more at