by Peter Twitchell
Webster’s dictionary defines a hernia as a protrusion of an organ or part (such as the intestine) through connective tissue or through a wall of the cavity (as of the abdomen) in which it is normally enclosed.
January 6, 2022 I got an unexpected hernia come visit me after years of carrying moose quarters down to the boat, pulling snow machines out of the snow, pushing wooden boats that were high and dry into the water, and lifting fender speaker cabinets with 2-15 inch speakers with 20 pound magnets in speaker cabinets of three-quarter inch plywood weighing up to 80 pounds.
After each dance I would pick up the speaker cabinet, hoist it on my shoulder and walk out of the dance effortlessly with ease. My body young, hardened muscle, full of energy.
This time I was pushing a large cart out of Costco, pushing the cart in a couple inches of snow on the ground to my truck, which was at least 200 feet away from the entrance. I felt a dull pain growing like a crescendo more and more painful in my groin.
When I reached my truck I felt a huge bump in my groin and it was the size of an unripe avocado.
I went to the clinic emergency to have it checked out. After an ultrasound they told me you have a hernia.
I’ll tell you it’s not fun having a hernia. I was told when I went to the surgery clinic that I would have my hernia surgery on February 10 which was almost a month away. Having no idea that I could be walking around with a hernia I wondered if you’re a rich man or an important man, like for example the President of the United States and had a hernia, would they have a 30-day waiting period to have their operation to correct their condition?
During the three week period that I had to wait for my operation I experienced pain but the doctor had showed me that you could push the hernia back in to relieve pressure and pain.
So recently on February 10th I checked in to the ANMC Surgery Clinic to have my hernia reinforced with a mesh.
During my waiting, there were a few times that I became short of breath. I’m grateful that it was not the Covid virus but perhaps the pain from my hernia that caused my shortness of breath.
I do not wish a hernia for anyone young or old and after this experience perhaps I will be more careful and not lift or push heavy items to the point of injuring myself. Sometimes we get careless and at my age I didn’t know or understand what a hernia was.
When I shared my experience with someone about my misfortune of having a hernia the person replied, “What’s up with hernias!?! My partner just had hernia surgery too.”
I am 71 years of age now and coming to grips with getting older, and that our body isn’t as strong as it used to be when we were younger. I am content with my age, I’m learning to except myself as someone with the limitations. I am in my golden years as they call them. I accept each day with gratitude with my family who care about me and my Friends and living life to the fullest.