by Greg Lincoln

Simeon Bill of the Qasgirmiut Dancers performs at the Cama-i Festival last weekend in Bethel

Cama-i 2024 Honoree Loddie Ayaprun Jones of Scammon Bay/Bethel

2024 Joseph Atrilgnuq Asuluk of Toksook Bay.
The long-awaited 2024 Cama-i Festival has come to a close after a weekend full of dance, song, culture, artistry, and craftsmanship. This year the festival has finally returned to their main venue – the WarriorDome in Bethel, after the covid-19 pandemic shut down.
The festival featured local dance groups: the BRHS Warrior Dancers, Yurartet, Nightmute, Qasgirmiut, Kassiglurmiut, Toksook Bay, Kwethluk, the Bethel Filipino Community Dancers, Upallret, the award winning Delta Illusion Dance Company, and special guest groups including the Kodiak Alutiiq Dancers, the Ilaku Inupiaq Dancers, the Flowzone Break Dancers, Byron Nicholai of I Sing. You Dance., the Sinquah Family Hoop Dancers, and the Pacific Island Polynesian Dancers.
A special treat were the elementary school dance groups from Mikelnguut Elitnaurviat, Ayaprun Elitnaurviat, and Gladys Jung who performed on Saturday.
Thank you to the coordinators of this year’s event, all the volunteers, and to the groups and artists who entertained the Cama-i audience by sharing their culture with traditional song and dance.
Cama-i dedicated this year’s festival to Inuguarpak Stanley Anthony of Nightmute and Seliksuuyar Bob Aloysius of Bethel. The Cama-i Living Treasure honorees were Ap’alluk Levi Hoover of Kasigluk and Atrilnguq Joseph Asuluk of Toksook Bay. Special Cama-i Honors were given to Loddie Ayaprun Jones of Scammon Bay/Bethel.
Winning the Miss Cama-i Cultural Pageant was Taankaaq Tatiana Korthuis of Bethel. Congratulations to the Tatiana and family. The first runner up was Cup’aq Marie Twitchell of Kasigluk. Other contestants included Lindsey Chief and Lauren Konig of Bethel.
The ladies completed interviews, a photo shoot, and helped at the Elders Feast. Miss Cama-i will be representing her people at the 2024 World Eskimo Indian Olympics pageant in July.
The Alaska Native Heritage Center hosted workshops at the festival. Participants took part in qaspeq making, drum making, and beading worshops.
Everyone was invited to come see the arts and crafts tables featuring many pieces of wonderful handmade artwork for purchase. On Saturday, guests were treated to the Native Foods Dinner. Saturday also featured the Smile Alaska Style free dental screening with photos and prizes.
Thank you all for a wonderful Cama-i Festival and thank you to the Bethel Regional High School for the use of your school, quyana!