The City of Bethel is hoping to hire a new City Manager and they have two candidates in mind to invite to Bethel in February – John Millan of Pasco, Washington and Bert O’Rear of Olar, South Carolina – for an onsite visit and more interviews.
Council met on January 10th, 2024 in a special meeting. In attendance were Mayor Mark Springer, Vice Mayor Sophie Swope, and council members Rose Sugar Henderson, Beth Hessler, Mikayla Miller, Patrick Snow, City Clerk Lori Strickler, City Attorny Libby Bakalar, and Sarah McKee of GovHR. Council member Teresa Keller was on travel.
Council met with the candidates via Zoom, also including candidate Joe Rodriguez of Tampa, Florida.
Former Bethel City Manager Pete Williams’ last day was at the end of June 2023.
Members of council grilled the candidates with questions about managing a city and experience after introductions. Council member Swope asked the first question to candidate John Millan.
“What have you learned about the City of Bethel that makes you want to be our next city manager?” she asked.
“There’s a culture that I learned about Bethel that prior to this quest that I’m on, I did not know existed. I am ashamed to admit that. I have learned so much about the Yup’ik and Cup’ik cultures and … the land in and around Bethel, the water in and around Bethel – the subsistence,” said Millan. “For any group of people who find solace in the river and land that they rely on, that is a big part of their lives – so that is something that I didn’t not know prior to this effort of becoming the next city manager. It is remarkable and makes me want to learn more. I’m hoping for the opportunity to meet with elders and ask them questions and listen to their stories.”
Candidate Bert O’Rear currently serves as the town administrator for Olar, SC. He says that he did some research on Bethel and found that the size and population are very close to that of the County of Allendale, where he served as the county administrator.
Mayor Springer asked him to give a brief summary of what makes him a good candidate for the city manager position.
“I applied for this position to continue my education as far as the city manager is concerned and work towards my accreditation. And also a place to retire. I hope to retire in the next 10 years and my son lives in Seattle… so that would put me close to my children,” O’Rear said.
The third candidate Joe Rodriquez of Tampa, Florida introduced himself and gave information on his background and why he wants to serve as Bethel’s city manager. He is currently working at an air security company in Tampa and owns a small business. He also worked in corrections.
“When I saw this opportunity – it is a unique community, with its challenges, beautiful landscapes – so I thought I could make a contribution and help in the future of the community and development,” said Rodrigquez.
Council moved into executive session after interviewing the three city manager candidates.
“All city manager candidates may be discussed during the executive session,” said Mayor Springer.