The Bethel Police Department fielded 1,350 calls for service during the month of August 2021. That is down from July’s 1,419 calls. For August there were 226 calls for intoxicated pedestrians, only three calls less than from July 2021. By comparison, last year’s calls numbered 207 for intoxicated pedestrians.
Also in August 2021 there were 26 driving under the influence calls. This is up from the 15 calls received in July. In 2020, the calls were at 16 for DUIs.
Domestic violence reports are down compared to July. There were 12 calls in August, half of the number of calls from July (24 calls). And in 2020 for August, DV calls were at 32.
Calls related to animals numbered 57 for August, up from 50 in July. In 2020, there were 45 animal related calls in August. There were three calls for animal bites in August 2021. July had 6 and 2 in 2020 of the same month.
Sexual assault reports totaled 5 for August. There were 4 in July and also 4 last year for the month of August. Death investigations are at 2 reports. July had 4 and August 2020 had 2.
US Marshals and Bethel Police Department conducted a successful joint operation to find and apprehend one fugitive on August 4, 2021, says the Bethel PD report. This was an unplanned operation, taking advantage of a lay-over in Bethel on the way to a village.
For August the PD had 15 officers currently working. Two vacancies will be filled with two officers moving to Bethel and starting the second week in September, says the report. The last vacancy has applicants awaiting background investigations. All support and public safety dispatch positions are currently filled.