• On 10-24-20 at 1:06 A.M., Medics responded to a welfare check and found patient to be dead on arrival. Death investigation completed by BPD and body was transported to the morgue.
• On 10-24-20 at 12:29 P.M., Medics responded to the report of an infant that is stuck in a high chair, Medics shimmied the chair off the infant’s arm and head and released the stuck infant. Patient mother refused transport to the hospital.
• On 10-25-20 at 2:33 A.M., Firefighters responded to the report of smoke emitting from a boiler. Firefighters shut off boiler and aired out rooms. Firefighters turned over building to tenant and building maintenance called.
• On 10-25-20 at 6:13 A.M., Firefighters respond to the report of a vehicle rollover. No patient contact made. Hit and run, hazard removed from tipped vehicle.
• On 10-25-20 at 3:21 P.M., Medics responded to the report of someone that is choking. Patient was assessed and transported to the hospital.
• On 10-25-20 at 7:45 P.M., Medics responded to the report of a person that has been sexually assaulted. Patient was assessed and transported to the hospital.
• On 10-26-20 at 8:20 PM medics responded to the report of a person with a funny heartbeat. The patient was treated and transported to the hospital.
• On 10-27-20 at 10:57 A.M., Medics responded to the report of a person that is vomiting. Patient was assessed and transported to the hospital.
• On 10-27-20 at 11:57 A.M., Firefighters responded to the report of black smoke showing. Firefighters observed smoke emitting from a burn barrel. Firefighters obtained information and cleared the scene.
• On 10-28-20 at 12:37 P.M., Medics responded to the report of a person coughing blood. Patient refused transport to the hospital.
• On 10-28-20 at 2:54 P.M., Medics responded to the report of a person that was intoxicated and falling down in a tundra lake. Patient was retrieved with the ice rescue pontoon, assessed and transported to the hospital.
• On 10-29-20 at 1:55 P.M., Medics responded to the report of a person having a seizure. Patient was assessed and transported to the hospital.
• On 10-29-20 at 6:07 P.M., Medics responded to the report of a person with COVID-19. Patient was assessed and transported to the hospital.