• The department is operating within its FY22 budget, except for salaries and overtime.
• In 2017, the Bethel City Council approved Bethel Municipal Code language that mandated that fifty percent (50%) of the previous year’s ambulance billing revenue be deposited into the Fire Department Fleet Replacement account every year on July 1. It was discovered that only one partial transfer was completed in 2017 and none have been made since then. After reviewing the accounts and the applicable Bethel Municipal Code, these funds were transferred into the fleet replacement account. Currently, the fire department will be able to purchase a replacement Type-1 Advanced Life Support Ambulance and have reserves to purchase additional support vehicles next year.
• The department was selected as a test site for the new Medicaid Supplemental Emergency Medical Transport (SEMT) program. This program will allow for the Bethel Fire Department to receive a reimbursement payment of 50% of the uncompensated costs of Medicaid EMS transports from the federal government.
• The department has submitted its FY 2023 Personnel and Operating Budget Proposal to the City Manager. The proposal includes the addition of a full-time Administrative Assistant position at Range 5. The department has been operating without administrative support for many years. Currently, the Fire Captain and Fire Chief must perform the tasks that an Administrative Assistant would normally perform. This causes workforce issues in the areas of supervision and training. Having this additional position will improve the departmental performance in many areas.
• The department purchased a new Class-A Pumper Tender Apparatus (Fire Engine) from Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. under a cooperative bid purchasing contract from Sourcewell-MN and by utilizing a portion of the Fire Department’s Fleet Replacement Fund. This pumper will replace the 1986 Grumman-Spartan Super Pumper-Tanker, Engine 3. Due to production delays, this apparatus is anticipated to be shipped to Bethel on the first barge of 2023.