U.S. Senators Dan Sullivan and Lisa Murkowski (both R-Alaska), and Representative Mary Peltola (D-Alaska) called on the Postal Regulatory Commission to reject consideration of the United States Postal Service’s (USPS) proposal to establish higher postal rates for mail delivered to the non-contiguous United States.
In a letter sent today (December 19, 2023) that was signed by the Alaska and Hawaiian Congressional delegations as well as delegates from each of the U.S. territories, the members of Congress warned that the USPS proposal “to single-out select remote and rural communities for disproportionate price increases is inconsistent with the Postal Service’s Constitutional purpose and with its historical approach of a uniform price structure for customers, no matter where in the nation a resident lives.”
The USPS’ proposal would establish higher Zone 10 rates for certain “full network” products, including Priority Mail Express, Priority Mail, and USPS Ground Advantage, impacting packages destined for Alaska, Hawaii and the U.S. Territories.
“This proposed increase in rates for Alaska and other non-contiguous states and territories is outrageous,” Sen. Sullivan said. “No state, including Alaska, should be punished by our own federal government because of geography. These hikes have the potential to severely negatively impact Alaskans—already reeling from inflation—who are more reliant on the USPS for basic goods and services than other Americans. I will be meeting with the Postmaster General soon to demand answers about the data they’re using to justify this increase, and the potential tax-payer funded monopolistic behavior of the USPS. I, along with my colleagues from impacted states and territories, will also be heavily weighing in with the Postal Regulatory Commission on this proposed rule. We will be insisting that the commission refuse to approve this rate increase, particularly because the USPS has not been transparent with any evidence justifying a change in rates.”
“Postal Service price increases on Alaskans living in remote and rural communities are unfair, harmful, and go against the USPS mission of uniform delivery for all Americans,” said Sen. Murkowski. “The Alaska delegation calls on the Postal Regulatory Commission to decline price increases in Zone 10 and avoid harming Alaskans who already face some of the highest costs of living in the country.”
“Alaskans rely on the Postal Service for more than just mail—it is a lifeline to the rest of the world,” said Rep. Peltola. “Medication, food, and more travels through our mail system on a regular basis. Urban and rural parts of our state all depend on reliable, predictable service for mail delivery, and these disproportionate cost increases would have a major impact on our daily lives. The costs of living in Alaska are already high. It makes no sense for the federal government to increase costs for Alaskans, without evidence, when postal services are relied on by so many across the state.”