The Junior Native Youth Olympics competition took place February 24–26 at the Wells Fargo Sports Complex, UAA campus. Over 800 junior athletes participated from schools all over Alaska including competitors from Gladys Jung Elementary School.
The JNYO Games are for students in grades 1–6.
On Friday, February 24th, grades 5-6 participated in the Alaskan High Kick, Scissor Broad Jump, and the One-Foot High Kick. On Saturday, grades 3-4 competed in the Two-Foot High Kick, Arm Pull, and the Wrist Carry. On Sunday, grades 1-2 did the Kneel Jump, Eskimo Stick Pull, and the Seal Hop. Awards for each event took place after the competition.
Gladys Jung’s Kyann Miller placed 4th in the One-Foot event with her final kick of 68”. She also placed 3rd in the Alaskan High Kick with a final height of 52” and no misses.
JNYO gives the younger athletes a way to learn the games while promoting healthy lifestyles and positive self-esteem. The games are also fun. This year the Senior NYO state meet will take place April 27-29, 2017 in Anchorage at the Alaska Airlines Center.