The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announces a season open to the Goodnews River drainage winter moose hunt (RM621). The Goodnews River drainage hunt area (that portion that drains into Kuskokwim Bay south of the Carter Bay Drainage (59.180 N 162.003 W) has fall (September 1- 30) and winter (to be announced) moose hunting opportunities. The combined quota for fall and winter seasons is 45 moose, and 10 antlered bulls were harvested during the fall hunt. The season extension will allow hunting during January 1, 2023 – March 31, 2023 with a bag limit of one (1) moose. The season will be closed by emergency order prior to March 31 if the harvest quota of 35 moose is reached. Permits are available online at, and in person in Platinum and Goodnews Bay.
Successful hunters should report their harvest within 36 hours to the Bethel ADF&G office (907) 543-2839 or (907) 543-1678. Unsuccessful hunters and hunters that did not hunt should report by April 15, 2023. Hunters that have already harvested a moose during this regulatory year (after July 1, 2022) are not eligible to participate in this hunt.
All other moose hunting regulations in Unit 18 remain unchanged by this advisory announcement.