Congratulations to these students who made it on the honor roll for the summer semester. The University of Alaska Fairbanks has announced the students named to the deans’ and chancellor’s lists. The lists recognize students’ outstanding academic achievements.
Students receiving a 3.9 grade point average or higher are placed on the chancellor’s list, while those receiving a grade point average of between 3.5 and 3.89 are named to the deans’ list.
Students who have earned academic honors but have requested that their directory information remain confidential may not appear on the public honors lists.
Summer 2023
Chancellor’s List
Asaaluk Nichols, Nome
Jaden Frost, Togiak
Deans’ List
Lenora Ayapan, Anchorage
UAF is a Land, Sea and Space Grant institution and is the leading doctoral degree-granting institution in the state of Alaska. Since it was founded in 1917, UAF has been internationally recognized for research relating to the Arctic and sub-Arctic in areas such as biology, geophysics, engineering, natural resources and global climate change.