Three perished in a fire in Bethel during the early morning hours of August 12th, 2022. Two others were taken to the hospital, according to reports.
Bethel Police Communications received a report of a fire on 08/12/2022 at approximately 0413 hours from a Bethel Community Service Patrolman who had responded to 405 Ptarmigan, AVCP apartments on an unrelated call. The Bethel Community Service Patrolman immediately contacted Bethel Police Communications of the fire. City of Bethel Fire Department and Police Department personnel were dispatched and responded to the scene, two units were destroyed by the fire. The Alaska State Fire Marshal Office was contacted and arrived to assist with the Investigation. More information will be released later.
Condolences to the families who lost their loved ones. If anyone has any information regarding this incident, please contact the Bethel Police Department at (907) 543-3781.