by Greg Lincoln
This Thanksgiving we were blessed to spend it with my dad, who has been lately battling health issues. It is hard to see your beloved parents get old, since we are so used to them being strong – just like they used to be when we were youngsters, when we were growing up without a care in the world.
As children, we look up to our parents and think that they will never get old, that they will always stay the same as they always have been.
So we are very blessed to have been together with our dad whom our children love to call Ap’a, to enjoy his company as we gathered together to celebrate this season of Thanks. We thank you Lord for keeping Ap’a safe and for his presence.
Each day is in its own way a day of thanksgiving. Each day we pray to our Lord for the food that he provides for us and that is giving thanks. We thank each other for the many deeds of service, and for the blessings we receive from wherever they come.
And even if some of our loved ones have passed on, we still have each other and our loved ones are with us in memory and in thought, in our everyday speech, and even in our dreams.
And even though we still mourn and grieve for them, we are still us outwardly – the same resilient, hardworking, prayerful, and patient people. Inwardly we continue to yearn for our beloveds each day, every second, neverendingly in a state of sustained sorrow.
Even so, we must continue on.
Thank you Ap’a for your excellent stories and your love that we cherish and treasure. Thank you to the airlines for safe transport and the health care staff that took loving care of our dad, we appreciate all that you do. Quyana!