by Peter Twitchell
The year was 2010, December 25 when I cried my eyes out in my little house on Watson’s Corner.
I thought about this, in my 50 years back then, that I had never mourned my little brother who was stillborn at birth in 1951 a year after I was born.
I had never really thought about my Mom’s broken heart and grief over losing her second son and the heavy burden she must’ve felt. I felt her grief and sadness for the first time. I was 60 years old.
Through the 1950’s God Almighty, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, knew my loneliness growing up – I was the only child.
My favorite times as a boy was when my Mom read Bible verses and stories from the Scriptures of the Bible. My favorite as a boy of five years old was the story of Mary Magdalene who cried on Jesus feet and wiped her tears, cleansing His feet with her hair.
Jesus Christ of Nazareth, when he was criticized for accepting Mary and forgiving her for her sins reminded his disciples and others that her many sins were forgiven, so she showed great love. But the person who is forgiven only a little will love only a little.
In the Scriptures first Peter chapter 2 verse 6; states: “Whoever believes in the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth the Almighty God, will not be put to shame.”
Just as a suggestion, may I offer “By excepting His salvation, Mankind will not perish, But have everlasting life with Him.” You and me are his creation and he loves us. 1 Peter 2:6.