Greg Angaiak, 33 2nd Degree Attempted Escape 4 Yrs.
Clarence Kalistook, 25 Reckless Driving $500
Albert J. Egoak Sr., 38 Violate Conditions of Release, 4th 150 Days, 3 Yrs. Prob.,
Degree Escape, 4th Degree Assault 90 Days, $150
Stanley H. Berlin, 57 3rd Degree Assault 2 Yrs.
John Lomack, 34 Driving Under the Influence $6000, 240 Days, 3 Yrs. Prob.
David Nicolai, 28 2nd Degree Harassment, Violate Conditions of Release 1 Yr. Prob., $150
Probation violations
John Lomack, 34 Violated Conditions of Probation 10 Days