Thomas Heckman, 22 2nd Degree Theft, Coercion, 4th 1 Yr., 80 Days,
Degree Assault 3 Yrs. Prob.
Reginald Konig, 28 Disorderly Conduct $100
Jonathan Adrian Chase, 37 Driving Under the Influence $1500, 3 Days, 1 Yr. Prob.
Lars Lake, 31 4th Degree Assault 60 Days, 2 Yrs. Prob.
Ignattie James Sakar, 38 4th Degree Assault, Driving Under 340 Days
the Influence $3000, 20 Days
Roberta Swope-Tony, 40 4th Degree Assault 3 Yrs. Prob.
Tristen Coy Snow, 20 Driving Under the Influence $1500, 3 Days, 2 Yrs. Prob.
Harold Arnakin, 26 Violate Conditions of Release, 3rd 185 Days
Degree Assault
Robert Tikiun, 30 4th Degree Assault 1 Yr. Prob.
Joseph Kameroff, 45 2nd Degree Assault 4 Yrs., 4 Yrs. Prob.
Gabriel Douglas, 26 4th Degree Assault 30 Days, 3 Yrs. Prob.
Golga Jacob, 47 2nd Degree Criminal Trespassing 10 Days
Probation violations
Ignattie James Sakar, 38 Violated Conditions of Probation 1 Yr. Prob.
Janice M. Tamang, 42 Violated Conditions of Probation
Tristen Coy Snow, 20 Violated Conditions of Probation 90 Days
Harold Arnakin, 26 Violated Conditions of Probation 360 Days
Thomas Heckman, 22 Violated Conditions of Probation
Clarence J. Mann, 33 Violated Conditions of Probation 30 Days