by Senator Lyman Hoffman
Good Morning –
Here we are at the end of the sixth week of session. The Senate Finance committee heard from Education and Early Development on the School Major Maintenance and Construction list, and Transportation and the University presented an update on Deferred Maintenance around the state. The committee received a presentation on the Mental Health Budget. Community and Regional Affairs Committee met for its first time this session on these three bills, SB 15: Open Meetings Act; Penalty SB 17: Energy Efficiency & Policy: Public Buildings, and SB13: Oil and Gas Property Tax.
The Senate passed SB 70. SB 70 allows the chief medical officer at DHSS to continue to issue the opioid overdose reversal drug, Naloxone. SB 24 was heard and held at 3rd reading on Friday. SB 24 allows corporations’ shareholder meetings and nonprofit member meetings to be held electronically. The intent of this bill is to ease requirements on in person meetings during the pandemic.
On Tuesday, March 2nd at 9:00 am, the Senate Finance committee will be hearing SB 19: Extend Special Education Service Agency and SB 22: Intensive Management Surcharge/Repeal Termination Date.
Alaska Marine Highway System Summer Schedule
Ferry reservations are now open from May through September 2021. Reservations are available for booking at http://dot.alaska.gov/amhs/?utm_source=ferryalaska.com&utm_medium=Redirect&utm_campaign=Domain, or by calling toll free 1-800-642-0066
Section 12005 CARES Act fisheries assistance funds
US Secretary of Commerce announced the allocations of Section 12005 CARES Act funds. Alaska is lined up to receive $50 million of the $300 million available for this assistance program. These funds will be paid out as direct payments to fishery participants in eligible sectors. While all sectors in the fishing industry have been negatively impacted by the pandemic. Available funds will only cover a portion of the losses incurred by affected fishery participants. Applications for all sectors, except subsistence, will be made available on the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission webpage on March 1st www.psmfc.org/cares-act-the-coronavirus-aid-relief-and-economic-security-act.
For Questions or inquiries on Fisheries Assistance Funds: Email – [email protected] or call toll free: 1-888-517-7262. Email is the preferred method of contact due to the large volume of calls anticipated.
•Permanent Fund Dividend Online Applications due March 31st.
•Energy Relief & Rental Assistance From AHFC AlaskaHousingRelief.org, applications due at 11:59pm March 5, 2021.