U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski today (June 10th, 2022) announced the names of eleven interns and two intern coordinators who will work in her Washington, DC office this summer. These young Alaskans will get an up-close view of the federal legislative process while assisting Senator Murkowski and her team with Alaska-focused work.
“Interns bring a renewed energy to my office, and I’m always so excited to host them. I enjoy getting to spend time with young Alaskans, and my team and I always appreciate their hard work. This year is also special in that it’s the first time since the start of the pandemic that we can host interns in person—so we are especially glad to welcome them to the Senate and my office,” Senator Murkowski said. “When I reflect on my time as an intern in Senator Ted Stevens’ office, and the lessons I learned about public service at that time, I know that experience helped inspired me to lean in to my passions, and ultimately led me to serve Alaska. I hope it will be the same for the young men and women who are joining us this summer.”
The following are this year’s interns. Additional biographical information for each individual will be released shortly after the start of their internships.
College Intern Coordinator
Harold Monroe, Anchorage
Nicole Makar, Anchorage (July only)
Session One: June 6-June 24
Gracelyn Gohr, Anchorage
Charlee Korthuis, Bethel
Dustin Lozano, Fairbanks
Calvin Ureda, Anchorage
Jenna Walker, Ketchikan
Braxton Zink, Ketchikan
Session Two: July 11 – August 5
Matthew Agron, Eagle River
Jocelyn Cannon, Ketchikan
Jonathon Ford, North Pole
Isabella Kershaw, Ketchikan
Devin Moorehead, Juneau
Murkowski’s summer interns will assist in the office’s day-to-day clerical and administrative tasks such as directing mail, interacting with Alaska visitors, and assisting staff with policy-related research projects. Interns will also have the opportunity to “shadow” Senator Murkowski in her daily work in the U.S. Senate and around the Capitol in order to obtain a first-hand view of the Senator’s work for Alaska and the nation.
While Senator Murkowski historically already pays her summer interns through her office budget (while returning money to the Treasury each year), she authored legislation with Senator Schatz of Hawaii to pay Senate interns who are dedicating their time to support offices. The legislation became law in September 2018.
For more information on internship opportunities in the office of Senator Murkowski, contact Senator Murkowski’s office at 202-224-9301.